The Financial Crisis

This session is devoted to understanding the financial crisis and its consequences. The 2008 crisis still affects the world in which lives (stricter banking regulations, very low interest rates and high levels of public deficits, for example). Moreover, economists are sure there will be another financial crisis some time in the future. The objective of this section is to understand the crisis and how we can avoid (or minimize the impact of) the next one.

Assignment: at home, watch one or the other film (the full film, not just the trailers posted here) and take notes on:

  • the causes of the financial crisis
  • how it spread globally
  • measures taken by the government
  • the situation today and current financial risks

Bring your notes to class and we will work on creating a graphical illustration of the different aspects of the financial crisis together.

The Big Short

A comedy that tracks some of the figures who saw the crisis coming and bet against it.

Inside Job

An award winning documentary about the causes of the financial crisis. A must watch!