As for the operation, I'm using confluentic cp-kafka-connect image, which I have rebuilt including AWS jars (aws-msk-iam-auth-1.1.9-all.jar, schema-registry-serde-1.1.16.jar, schema-registry-kafkaconnect-converter-1.1.16.jar). These jars are added to classpath /usr/share/java/kafka and can be leveraged from the kafka binaries.

It is a good idea to create any topics that are being mirrored on the destination cluster before starting Mirror Maker. Mirror Maker can create the topics automatically but they may not retain the exact same configuration as the originals.

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To 'disable' topic prefixes and to have topic properties mirrored properly at the same time, I had to provide a customized replication policy which also overrides the topicSource method. Otherwise non-default topic properties (e.g., "cleanup.policy=compact") have not been mirrored, even after restarting mirror maker.

I am testing kafka mirror maker 2 in my local. Running 2 zookeepers and 2 kafka brokers. They are running as individual instance. So, 2 clusters in my local with 1 broker on each cluster. The brokers are running fine. Now, when i tries running the mirror maker on my local, running into the following issues.

This error is happening since there is only one broker in my local and mirror maker is trying to create offset topics with replication factor 3. How can I set the config to change the replication factor to 1.

The second major release of MirrorMaker (MirrorMaker 2.0) is more mature and complete than the initial one. This article will demystify Kafka mirroring by explaining the architecture, use cases, and core concepts of MirrorMaker 2.

To check the content of this topic, use the kafka-console-consumer CLI tool with the OffsetSyncFormatter. In this example, the offset information about a data topic called topic-name will be checked.

# --formatter "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.formatters.OffsetSyncFormatter" --bootstrap-server kafka-target:9092 --from-beginning --topic --consumer.config source.conf|grep topic-name

# --formatter "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.formatters.CheckpointFormatter" --bootstrap-server kafka-target:9092 --from-beginning --topic prod-source.checkpoints.internal --consumer.config target.conf|grep topic-name

# --bootstrap-server=kafka-target:9092 --topic mirrormaker2-cluster-offsets --consumer.config target.conf --from-beginning --property print.key=true | grep MirrorSourceConnector | grep -i "topic-name"

MirrorMaker is a process in Apache Kafka to replicate or mirror data between Kafka Clusters. Don't confuse it with the replication of data among Kafka nodes of the same cluster. One use case is to provide a replica of a complete Kafka cluster in another data center to cater to different use cases without impacting the original cluster.

I am following steps on Kafka-Mirror given at " -2.3.6/bk_kafka-user-guide/bk_kafka-user-guide-20160628.pdf" and having two separate cluster but when i run i am getting below Error:-

./ --consumer.config /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/config/ --producer.config /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/config/ --whitelist MukeshTest --new.consumer

When using Apache Kafka MirrorMaker 2 to replicate topics across Apache Kafka clusters, the default target topic name is in the form ..E.g. if the source Apache Kafka clusters alias is src-kafka, replicating the source topic named orders via Apache Kafka MirrorMaker 2 creates a target topic named src-kafka.orders.

Apache Kafka MirrorMaker 2.0 (MM2) is designed to make it easier to mirror or replicate topics from one Kafka cluster to another. MirrorMaker 2 uses the Kafka Connect framework to simplify configuration and scaling.

Confirm the messages produced in the topic in the primary cluster are all flowing to the topic in the destination cluster by checking the message count. For this post, we use kafkacat, which supports SASL/SCRAM to count the messages:

In production environments, if the message counts are large, use your traditional monitoring tool to check the message count, because tools like kafkacat take a long time to consume messages and report on a message count.

KIP-900: KRaft API additions to support SCRAM for Kafka Brokers: KIP-900 updates the kafka-storage tool and adds a mechanism to configure SCRAM for inter-broker authentication with KRaft.

In the previous version of MirrorMaker, the consumer offset of the source topic in the target cluster begins when the replication begins.The __consumer_offsets topic is not mirrored.So offsets of the source topic and its replicated equivalent can have two entirely different positions.This was often problematic in a failover situation.How to find the offset in the target cluster?Strategies such as using timestamps can be adopted, but it adds complexity.

MirrorHeartbeatConnector periodically checks connectivity between clusters.A heartbeat is produced every second by the MirrorHeartbeatConnector into a heartbeat topic that is created on the local cluster.If you have MirrorMaker 2.0 at both the remote and local locations, the heartbeat emitted at the remote location by the MirrorHeartbeatConnector is treated like any remote topic and mirrored by the MirrorSourceConnector at the local cluster.The heartbeat topic makes it easy to check that the remote cluster is available and the clusters are connected.If things go wrong, the heartbeat topic offset positions and time stamps can help with recovery and diagnosis.

I created this simple project that builds MM2 docker containers based on the desired version and includes a small go parser that creates an file by reading (optionally) an input file or the environment or both.

We now have data in link-topic that we want to mirror to the destination cluster. We also need to create a client configuration file for the source cluster that will be needed by the confluent kafka cluster mirror command during the exercise.

With that one command, the clusters are linked. It was that easy! We can now create a mirror topic in the destination cluster based on the topic that we want to link from the source cluster. Again this is a simple command.

Now that the mirror topic has been created in the destination cluster, all data that is written to the topic in the source cluster will also be written at the same offset in the mirrored topic within the destination cluster.

With Cluster Linking, the same event in the mirrored topic should be exactly duplicated, meaning that the partition and offset should be the same across the linked topics. This is the Cluster Linking guarantee.

Confluent Cluster Linking is an awesome feature that allows you to mirror topics from source clusters to linked destination clusters. This functionality opens doors for uses such as cross-region cluster replication, hybrid cluster situations, and cluster migration.

Internally, MirrorMaker2 uses the Kafka Connect framework which in turn use the Kafka high level consumer to read data from Kafka. Kafka high level consumer coordinates such that the partitions being consumed in a consumer group are balanced across the group and any change in metadata triggers a consumer rebalance. Similarly, each time there is a change in topics, say when a new topic is created or an old topic is deleted, or a partition count is changed, or there is a source cluster change event, or when Connect nodes are bounced for a software upgrade, or the number of Connect workers are changed or worker configuration is changed it triggers a Connect workers cycle of stop/rebalance/start. Frequent rebalances cause hiccups and are bad for the mirroring throughput.

Traditionally a MirrorMaker cluster is paired with the target cluster. Thus there is a mirroring cluster for each target cluster following a remote-consume and local-produce pattern. For example, for 2 data centers with 8 clusters each and 8 bidirectional replication pairs there are 16 mirrormaker clusters. For large data centers, this can significantly increase the operational cost. Ideally there should be one MirrorMaker cluster per target data center. Thus in the above example, there would be 2 Mirrormaker clusters, one in each data center.

To control what topics get replicated between the source and target cluster Mirrormaker uses whitelists and blacklists with regular expressions or explicit topic listings. But these are statically configured. Mostly when new topics are created that match the whitelist the new topic gets created at the target and the replication happens automatically. However, when the whitelist itself has to be updated, it requires mirrormaker instances to be bounced. Restarting mirrormaker each time the list changes creates backlogs in the replication pipeline causing operational pain points. In MM2 the configuration of the topic lists and regex can be changed dynamically using a REST API.

Thank you for your quick response Ryanne ? We want to set up a multi active/passive kafka cluster in kubernetes environment using Strimzi and MM2 for replication. There will be a load balancer in front of them, only one cluster active and under traffic , the topics/groups will be replicated to other cluster. Actually they will run on different data centers. When there is a problem failover will be done from load balancer. We must be ensure that after the failover we are not consuming duplicate messages. We register the original and replicated topic at the same time so that when failover occurs there will be no need of application change as it is suggested in this blog. Under these circumstances what should we do in the failover time? Actually this issue -9076 addresses the problem. Do we have to write a code in an application to trigger the RemoteClusterUtils (then what should be the properties map which is the first parameter of translateOffset method) find out all groups and set seek to the calculated offset or KAFKA-9076 this solves the issues and to be merged in the future?

Thanks in advance ff782bc1db

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