Carbon 2019

At the Carbon 2019 conferencee held in Lexington, USA, two studies co-authored with students were presented.

An oral presentation attracted attention of different participants of the conference. The title of the presentation was "Curvature effects on the reactivity of nanomaterials" and the student that collaborated with this study is Iván Moya.

The chairman (in the picture) was C. Kulaots.

In continuity to the study regarding graphene reactions with H2O and CO2 on zigzag sites presented on the Carbon 2018 conference, a new complementary study was presented as a poster, but this time focusing on armchair sites.

The title of the poster is "Graphene reactions with water and carbon dioxide on armchair sites" and the student that collaborated with this study is Catalina Gottschalk.

Also, different meetings with collaborators such as professors L. Radovic, J. Rodríguez-Mirasol and F. Vallejos-Burgos took place.