
AOL Mail is known as American Online and it was founded in 1983. It is a multinational mass media corporation in the USA. AOL is a branded company and continuously growing, innovating, and investing in this brand, and in return, Gmail Account is getting entertain, inform, and connect to the world. To know more about Aol go to mail, Besides, AOL contains original content that has aimed at America’s customers and even at the global scale audience. After having 30 years of experience, this brand has grown as one of the best brands globally.

Sign Up – Create AOL Mail Account

Here are simple steps to sign in new AOL mail and see below the registration page to fill up all detail. But before starting all, must wear cheap safety glasses because digital devices emit harmful rays that are risky for eyes. It would be better to apply AR coating over them to protect eyes from blue rays.

  • Click to redirect AOL mail sign-up page that mail.

  • Enter here your detail like first and last name without any special character characters.

  • Be careful in choosing the user name because it should be unique and easy to read that everyone should pick it easily.

  • Now choose a password that should be from 8-16 chars for your email protection so that no one can hack your account. Reconfirm that password and make sure that you have entered it correctly.

  • The next field will be for gender and choose your gender in the drop-down menu.

  • Enter your postal or zip code for the local postal code.

  • Now is the turn of the security question, and you have to follow the answer to the questions. Kee remembers this answer because if you forget your password, you can recover it by the following answer questions.

  • In the next field, enter your phone number and alternative email address.

  • In the end, type the same characters that you see in the above picture for block robot registration.

  • Finally, click on sign up.

How to Auto Forward Email from AOL Account?

You can auto-forward all email communication from your AOL account. Well, this feature is not directly provided by the AOL. You need to create Gmail, Outlook or yahoo account to fetch messages from AOL account.

Here you can find how to forward AOL mail to outlook, Gmail, and Yahoo.

Forward AOL mail to Gmail:

  • Tap to gear button in Gmail inbox and choose "Settings"

  • Tap to the "Accounts" tab and choose "Add A POP3 Mail Account You Own" from check Mail from other Accounts by using the (POP3) section.

  • You need to provide AOL email address in the text box and tap "Next Step".

  • Choose settings for synchronizing email messages to your Gmail. You may also keep a copy on Google server to access mail communication from anywhere, check "Leave a Copy of Retrieved Messages on the Server."

  • Tap to "Add Account" to add AOL account to Gmail and your mail auto-forward to Gmail’s in the future.

Forward AOL Emails to Yahoo

  • Mouse over the Settings menu button in Yahoo inbox and tap "Settings" to access preferences of your account.

  • Tap to "Add" section. Afterwards, provide your AOL email in the corresponding section.

  • Check "Set Up to Receive Emails" and tap "Save" to send a verification email to AOL inbox.

  • Now tap to link in AOL inbox and send all AOL emails to your yahoo.

Forward AOL Emails to Outlook:

  • Tap to the Settings gear icon in Outlook inbox and choose "More Mail Settings" to access your account settings.

  • Under managing account choose "Your Email Settings". Tap "Add A Send-and-receive Account" in add an Email Account section.

  • Enter AOL email address and password in the required field and tap "Next".

  • Choose a folder to store AOL emails and tap "Save" to automatically forward communication mails.