Research Interests

1. Optoelectronic Materials and Devices

  • Hybrid (organic + inorganic) semiconductor devices

  • Optoelectronic devices such as Light-emitting diodes (LED), Photovoltaic (PV), Thin Film Transistor (TFT), Sensor and detector

  • Flexible optoelectronic devices

2. Optical and Electrical Characterization of semiconductor devices

  • Recombination and emission mechanism in semiconductor devices.

  • Investigation of charge trapping and temperature dependent behaviors

  • Transient opto-electrical characterization

  • Interface modification, metal/semiconductor (SC) and SC/SC interfaces

3. Organic-inorganic hybrid Semiconductor Lasers

  • Optically and electrically-pumped lasing

  • Organic-inorganic crystalline growth

  • Fabrication of novel device structure for Lasers to boost up carrier transport and recombination