AOD Manager

Always On, when you want.

No ads. No in-app purchases. No data collection.


Notification Mode

Charging Mode

Dynamic Colors


AOD Manager lets you automate your device's always on display.

Shortcut to the always on display

Always on display toggle is usually not easily accessible in your device's settings. It is not the case with AOD Manager! You just have to open the app to toggle it.

With the Quick Settings Tile, you can even activate it from your notification panel!

AOD Manager lets you use multiple modes to automate the activation of the always on display. However, if you temporarily want to keep it activated or deactivated and ignore the other modes, you can lock the status. It can be unlocked whenever you want. Note that the system settings switch always overrides AOD Manager's.

Notification Mode

Activate the always on display when you receive notifications.*

Never forget notifications again! With the Notification Mode, the always on display is automatically activated when you receive a notification. When you no longer have notifications, the AOD is deactivated. This means you no longer have to frequently check your phone for new messages, and you can stay focused on what your doing!

Notification Mode settings:

Charging Mode

Activate the always on display while your device is charging.

You like being able to see the weather, clock and notifications at a glance, but you are worried about the impact it could have on your battery? AOD Manager lets you enable the always on display only when your device is charging!

Even better, with Auto Turn Off, deactivate the always on display when your charging device's battery reaches a level you set.**


AOD Manager requires a setup before you can use its features.

Always on display management permission

A special permission is required for AOD Manager to toggle the always on display: WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS. There are two main ways to grant it. A step-by-step guide is provided in-app, but it is highly recommended to read the instructions and make sure you are able to complete setup before downloading the app.

Without a computer – Using Shizuku

Shizuku is a free Android application that can be used by apps to get access to hidden Android features. You can uninstall the app when setup is complete.

With a computer – Using ADB

ADB (the Android Debug Bridge) is a developer tool that can be used to send commands to your Android device from a computer. You can uninstall ADB from your computer when setup is complete.

adb shell pm grant com.jouve.aodmanager android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS

Access to notifications

In order to use the Notification Mode, you may grant AOD Manager access to your notifications. Notification Mode will not work without it.

In AOD Manager, tap the Grant permission button in the Listen to notifications step. The system settings are opened to the corresponding page. Tap AOD Manager in the list and enable access using the switch.

Send notifications

In order to use the Force AOD Refresh option, you have to enable AOD Manager to send notifications.

If your device is running Android 12, you have nothing to do.

If your device is running Android 13, a prompt will be shown the first time you toggle the option. If you do not enable notifications in this dialog, please go to system settings to enable it in order to use the feature.

* Requires access to notifications. None of your data is shared. Please read the privacy policy for further information.** Auto Turn Off is based on the battery level provided by your device. Some devices might report inaccurate battery level changes, leading to a delayed deactivation.