
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving."

                --Albert Einstein

An Zou

Senior R&D Engineer

Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc.

Google Scholar Profile


Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. (Lancaster, PA)

05/2024 - present Senior R&D Engineer

06/2022 - 05/2024 R&D Engineer III

MiTeGen, LLC (Ithaca, NY)

08/2021 - 05/2022 Research & Development Scientist

Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY)

01/2019 - 08/2021 Research Assistant Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

01/2017 - 01/2019 Research Scientist, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI)

01/2016 - 12/2016 Research Fellow, Materials Science & Engineering


Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Syracuse University, Dec. 2015

M.S. in Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Apr. 2010

B.S. in Chemical Engineering and Technology, East China University of Science and Technology, Jun. 2007


8/15/2024: An and ACT awarded DoD Space Force SBIR Phase I proposal "Neon Recovery, Purification, and Reliquefication System" ($180K for 6 months).

6/26/2024: An and ACT awarded DoD Navy SSP SBIR Phase I Option "Silicon-to-Silicon Wafer Bonding" ($100K for 6 months).

8/22/2023: An and ACT awarded DoD Navy SSP SBIR Phase I proposal "Silicon-to-Silicon Wafer Bonding" ($140K for 6 months)

5/25/2023: An and ACT awarded DoD DMEA SBIR Phase I proposal "Modular Cryogenic Dewar for Radiation Testing" ($200K for 6 months). 

4/20/2023: Paper "Dropwise Condensation in Ambient on a Depleted Lubricant-Infused Surface" was published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2022 IF: 9.5).

12/7/2022: Paper "Durable and Regenerative Superhydrophobic Surface Using Porous Nanochannels" was published in Chemical Engineering Journal (2022 IF: 15.1).

06/13/2022: Provisional patent "Durable Superhydrophobic Surface from Porous Micro/Nano Wicks" was filed (Co-inventors: S.C. Maroo, D. Ranjan, A. Zou).

04/07/2022: Paper "Thermal Management of Photovoltaics Using Porous Nanochannels" was published in Energy & Fuels (2020 IF: 3.61).

03/01/2022: Work of sample preparation for single particle CryoEM led to an DOE SBIR phase I grant "Development of Tools to Improve Sample Preparation and Outcomes in Cryogenic Electron Microscopy Single Particle Analysis and Micro-electron Diffracetion crystallography", in which my role is Co-I (PI: B. Apker, Co-PI: R.E. Thorne, Co-I: D. Closs).

02/22/2022: Paper "Disjoining Pressure Driven Transpiration of Water in a Simulated Tree” was published in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2021 IF: 8.13).

01/25/2022: Paper "Vapor Generation via Porous Nanochannel Wicks” was published in Cell Reports Physical Science.

12/09/2021: Provisional patent "Improved Methods for Achieving Suitable Sample Thickness for Single Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy" was filed (Co-inventors: R.E. Thorne, A. Zou).

08/30/2021: Paper "Disjoining Pressure of Water in Nanochannels” was published in Nano Letters (202011 IF: 11.19).

04/14/2021: Paper "Nano-Confinement Effects on Liquid Pressure” was published in Physics of Fluids (2019 IF: 3.514).

12/28/2020: Paper "Droplet Evaporation on Porous Nanochannels for High Heat Flux Dissipation” was published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2019 IF: 8.758).

6/12/2020: Paper "Evaporation Dynamics in Buried Nanochannels with Micropores” was published in Langmuir (2018 IF: 3.683).

4/19/2020: Paper "Transpiration Mechanism in Confined Nanopores" was published in Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2018 IF: 7.329).

3/9/2020: Paper "Onset and Critical Radius of Heterogeneous Bubble Nucleation" was published in Applied Physics Letters (2018 IF: 3.521)

9/5/2019: Paper "Pool Boiling Coupled with Nanoscale Evaporation using Buried Nanochannels" was published in Langmuir (2018 IF: 3.683).

8/29/2019: Paper "Wicking in Cross-Connected Buried Nanochannels" was published in Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2018 IF: 4.309).

5/23/2019: Patent "Passive Nano-Heat Pipes for Cooling and Thermal Management of Electronics and Power Conversion Devices" was published. Its application status was pending.

4/30/2019: Work of microlayer in boiling led to a Syracuse Unviersity CUSE grant "High-Resolution Experimental Measurement of Nanoscale Thin Water Film Underneath a Vapor Bubble in Pool Boiling", in which my role is Co-PI (PI: Prof. Maroo).

6/25/2018: Paper "Origin, Evolution, and Movement of Microlayer in Pool Boiling" was published in Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2016 IF: 9.353).

4/23/2018: Work of bubble nucleation in nanochannels led to an ONR grant "Phase Change in High-Density Confined Liquids for Thermal Management", in which my role is Key Personnel (PI: Prof. Maroo).