Spay and Neuter Clinics Phoenix

Neutering and spaying are the general terms used to describe the surgical procedure performed by veterinarians to remove reproductive organs from animals spay and neuter clinics phoenix. The outcome of the procedure of neutering or spaying animals is inability of reproduction and giving the birth of offspring. Neutering is the process of castingration of male animals, and the total elimination from their testicles. Spaying is the process of removing fallopian tubes, ovaries, and/or the uterus in female animals. In general spaying and neutering are used to avoid unwanted litters and also to stop the overpopulation of pets.

The term "neutering" or "fixing" is employed as a general word that is used to describe the male as well as female animal. The animals must be anesthetized for either spay or neuter procedures. Conventionally animals can be neutered or spayed once they are between six and 8 months of age. It is however to be safe for kittens as young as 8 weeks old to get neutered or spayed.

There are different procedures that aren't as popular like neutering or spaying however, they are also sterilization techniques. Ovariohysterectomy (or hystero-oophorectomy) describes abdominal surgery to remove the ovaries and uteruses in female animals. Veterinarians typically use an open approach for the procedure however, more costly laparoscopic surgeries are available. If the ovary only is removed during the procedure it is known as an oophorectomy (or an ovectomy) that is usually performed only on cats as well as puppies. In contrast in cases where only the uterus is removed, it is referred to as an Hysterectomy.

For males, orchiectomy and castration both refer to the total surgical removal of the testicles. A different surgical option is vasectomy, which entails cutting and tying the vasa deferentia. However the procedure is rare for other species than ferrets and sheep.

Every year, six and eight million animals are admitted to shelters for animals, and about half of them are killed. Numerous animal welfare organizations such as Found Animals Foundation provide low costs or free spay and neuter programs to decrease the amount of pets who get killed every year because of the absence of shelters. The low-cost spay and neuter programs were designed to ensure that spaying and neutering pet accessible and affordable to the public at large. By doing this, the organisations hope to dramatically reduce the amount of healthy animals being killed due to the difficulty of a suitable place to live. If you are a responsible pet parent one of your responsibilities is to ensure that your pet neutered or spayed.