Sourav Das

Sourav is a Ph.D. Scholar (ACM Anveshan Setu Fellow) in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani (An Institute of National Importance under MoE, Govt. of India). He is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering (AI & ML) at Future Institute of Technology (Approved by AICTE, Govt. of India and Affiliated under MAKAUT, WB, India). Previously, Sourav served as a Faculty Member at the National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT) Kolkata, and Project Fellow in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Jadavpur University. He received his M.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from RCCIIT in 2018. His thesis work “A Deep Learning Approach for Sentiment & Trend Analysis of GST Tweets in India using Topic-Sentiment Modeling was done under my supervision. He worked on not one, but two parallel thesis topics during his M.Tech, and presented both the works in his thesis defense in the final semester. Sourav has published in numerous international conference proceedings, journals, book chapters, abstracts, and posters. His research area involves Natural Language Processing, Cognitive AI, and Deep Learning. He is an active reviewer for Oxford University Press, Springer Nature, and Taylor and Francis journals. Sourav has also received honors as the ACL 2021 D&I Subsidy, CIIR-GIEA 2021 Research Excellence Award, Teaching Assistantship in M.Tech from TEQUIP Phase-II (a Government of India project assisted by the World Bank), a first-class first rank in M.Tech, MHRD RUSA 2.0 fellowship, best paper award in RAAI 2020, and among the top 25% national candidates in NITAT 2013.

Arunava Kumar Chakraborty

Arunava is presently working as a Team Manager at Paperpedia Pvt. Ltd. Previously, he worked as an Academic Researcher with the same organization. Arunava received his M.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from RCCIIT in July 2021. He was the first class first rank holder within his discipline. His thesis title was “Sentiment Analysis on Large-Scale Covid-19 Tweets using Hybrid Convolutional LSTM Based on Naïve Bayes Sentiment Modeling, which he carried out under my supervision. Previously he completed his MCA degree from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, WB, and UG degree from West Bengal State University. He has published in one journal, conference paper, and book chapter each. For his publication at the International Conference on Research and Applications in Artificial Intelligence (RAAI 2020), he received the best paper award in the respective track. He has several credentials and certifications in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Python. His working area includes Sentiment Analysis and Deep Learning.

Anit Chakraborty

Anit is working as a Deep Learning Specialist at Standard Chartered Bank. Previously he has worked as a Data Scientist in Finomial, Data Scientist in PseudoPanda and Machine Learning Engineer in Onometra Technologies. He has also served as a Research Associate in the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata. He completed his B.Tech degree in Computer Science & Engineering from RCCIIT in 2018. He completed his B.Tech final year project "A Deep Learning-Inspired Method for Social Media Satire Detection" under my supervision, and has published a number of conference papers. His research area includes Deep Learning, Evolutionary Computing, Machine Vision.