About Me

Hello, I'm Anu Murugaiyan

Currently doing a final year degree in Computer Science Engineering at Madurai, Tamilnadu. Orginally from Thanjavur TamilNadu. I'm a aspiring User Experiencing Designer with expertise in Wireframing , Prototyping and User Testing. 

Now I'm Open to Work!


Bachelor of Engineering - Computer Science

Anna University Regional Campus , Madurai , Tamil Nadu .

CGPA : 8.79  till 6th SEM

Higher Secondary Certificate

DR.J.C.Kumarappa Matric Higher Seconadary School , Thanjavur , Tamil Nadu .

Grade : 86.5%

Secondary School Leaving Certificate

DR.J.C.Kumarappa Matric Higher Seconadary School , Thanjavur , Tamil Nadu .

Grade : 96%



UI / UX designer Internship

sep 2023 - jan 2024