We now have a Script Manager in the Perfmatters plugin. This allows you to disable scripts on a per post/page basis. This is very powerful and can drastically increase the speed on your WordPress sites (especially your homepage). A few examples of what this can be used for:

Everything is grouped together by the plugin or theme name. This makes it super easy to disable an entire plugin at once. Typically a WordPress plugin will have both a JavaScript and CSS file. A WordPress theme might have 10+ files. You can even disable scripts with regex.

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The following example shows how to set the EnableScriptGlobalization property so that client script can display a culture-specific date and time in the browser. In the example, the Culture attribute of the @ Page directive is set to auto. As a result, the first language that is specified in the current browser settings determines the culture and UI culture for the page. For more information, see How to: Set the Culture and UI Culture for ASP.NET Web Page Globalization.

The ScriptManager control is central to Ajax functionality in ASP.NET. The control manages all ASP.NET Ajax resources on a page. This includes downloading Microsoft Ajax Library scripts to the browser and coordinating partial-page updates that are enabled by using UpdatePanel controls. In addition, the ScriptManager control enables you to do the following:

Register script that is compatible with partial-page updates. In order to manage dependencies between your script and the core library, any script that you register is loaded after the Microsoft Ajax Library script.

When partial-page rendering is supported, the ScriptManager control renders script to enable asynchronous postbacks and partial-page updates. The regions of the page to be updated are designated by using UpdatePanel controls. The ScriptManager control handles the asynchronous postbacks and refreshes only the regions of the page that have to be updated. For more information about partial-page rendering, see Partial-Page Rendering Overview. For more information about the conditions that cause an update, see UpdatePanel Control Overview.

A page can contain only one ScriptManager control in its hierarchy. To register services and scripts for nested pages, user controls, or components when the parent page already has a ScriptManager control, use the ScriptManagerProxy control. For more information, see Using the UpdatePanel Control with Master Pages.

You can use the following methods to register script files that are not dependent on the Microsoft Ajax Library but that are compatible with UpdatePanel controls. These methods correspond to similar methods of the ClientScriptManager control. If you are rendering script for use inside an UpdatePanel control, make sure that you call the methods of the ScriptManager control.

When you register methods, you specify a type/key pair for that script. If a script with the same type/key pair is already registered, a new script is not registered. Similarly, if you register a script with a type/resource name pair that already exists, the script element that references the resource is not added again. When you register an expando attribute of a previously registered attribute, an exception is thrown. Duplicate registration of array values is allowed.

When you call the RegisterClientScriptInclude or the RegisterClientScriptResource method, avoid registering script that executes inline functions. Instead, register script that contains function definitions like event handlers or custom class definitions for your application.

You can register a Web service to be called from client script by creating a ServiceReference object and adding it to the Services collection of the ScriptManager control. ASP.NET generates a client proxy object for each ServiceReference object in the Services collection. You can programmatically add ServiceReference objects to the Services collection to register Web services at run time.

The ScriptManager control generates references in the rendered page that point to the appropriate localized script files, which are either script files embedded in assemblies or stand-alone script files.

Script files that are embedded in an assembly. The ScriptManager control determines which culture-specific or fallback-culture script file to send to the browser. It does this by using the culture-specific NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute assembly attribute, the resources packaged with the assembly, and the UI culture of the browser (if any).

In debug mode. The ScriptManager control tries to render a culture-specific script file that contains debug information. For example, if the page is in debug mode and the current culture is set to en-MX, the control renders a script file that has a name such as scriptname.en-MX.debug.js, if the file exists. If the file does not exist, the debug file for the appropriate fallback culture is rendered

I've created a number of email scripts for our company's internal usage. Usually I create the script, save and then when I open the spreadsheet I can go to the Tools > Script Manager and run the script.

I don't remember a 'Script Manager' setting, but I always run it from the script itself, so maybe I just wasn't looking. It has apparently been removed for some time so you may instead need to consider creating a custom menu to run any function of the script.

I just removed all lua related files and folders from ~/.config/darktable and reinstalled following instructions from @wpferguson git hub. I recreated my luarc and copy/pasted the contents of script_manager.lua to it. When I run darktable -d lua I still get:

Download it and copy it to ~/.config/darktable/luarc (linux and MacOS) or C:\Users\AppData\Local\darktable\luarc (windows). Start darktable and script manager will be in the lower left pane in the lighttable.

Tried it in Windows 10. Nice tool, but as Jean-Paul said it looses its settings at the end of the session so I have to manually activate every script in every session. That is a bit annoying.



In the bottom left pane of lighttable there should be a new module, script_manager. If you have the lua scripts already installed in ~/.config/darktable/lua, then script_manager will read them and create widgets to start and stop them. If they are not installed, then script manager will display a screen to install the scripts . It sounds like you already have them installed, so it should just be a matter of enabling the scripts you use.

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone had much experience with using script manager. I have most of it figured but I cant seem to find a way to load a file into the NVRAM folder with a DIN-AP3 processor. Ive tried the various commands but keep getting the error saying "not compatible with this device"

In Relativity, you can execute SQL scripts through the UI that act on the databases backing an instance. You can implement these scripts to customize and extend Relativity functionality. For more information, see Scripts on the RelativityOne Documentation site.

I always forget keyboard shortcuts to scripts I write (or sometimes the keyboard shortcuts I use don't work in a certain application). I'm looking for a service that I can remedy this by allowing me to use a certain hotkey, which brings up a window which allows me to write the first part of the name of one of my scripts (say, get_date, which just returns today's date in mm-dd-yy format), and it allows me to then invoke it for the functionality I need. I can't seem to find this, and I'm getting ready to embark on writing my own if I can't find one. Anyone know where to find something that I can use to do this?

Give each script two triggers: Keyword trigger and Hotkey trigger and you can then write what the shortcut is in the subtext field of the Keyword trigger (for example). This way every time you use the keyword trigger ...probably because you forgot the shortcut, you still get a reminder of what the shortcut key combo is.

Because the keyword I chose was similar to the Date and time preferences, it shows up too, but Alfred does adjust the order based on use, so after first use, the script would show up above the preferences given that I've never opened date and time preferences through Alfred. You can also exclude files from showing up in Alfred. For example, I got a workflow that opens dropbox folder... so I excluded Dropbox.app from Alfred because it is set to open on startup so I have no need to open it through Alfred.

By default, the scripts configured in the Script manager are active on every page in your web site. You can selectively disable them for a particular page. This is useful, for example, if some pages contain sensitive data.

The third-party scripts you use usually make requests to external web domains. By default, Sitefinity CMS security blocks such requests. For the integration to work properly, you need to allow these domains. Perform the following:

A userscript manager is a type of browser extension and augmented browsing technology that provides a user interface to manage userscripts. The main purpose of a userscript manager is to execute scripts on webpages as they are loaded. The most common operations performed by a userscript manager include creating, installing, organizing, deleting and editing scripts, as well as modifying script permissions (e.g. website exceptions).

Userscript managers use metadata that is embedded in a script's source code primarily to determine the websites it should execute on and the dependencies necessary for the script to run properly. Metadata can also include information that is useful to the user such as the script's name, author, description and version number.

A userscript is a computer program (written in JavaScript) containing metadata intended for use by a userscript manager. The metadata contains specific delimiters which help the userscript manager distinguish it from ordinary JavaScript files, along with configuration parameters used during installation. be457b7860

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