Who is Antsa?

I am a third-year Ph.D. student and a Graduate Teacher of Record at the School of Mathematical and Statistical Science, Clemson University, USA.  I am also an education content creator. 

 My research is on Post-Quantum Cryptography and my advisors are Prof Ryann Cartor and Prof Shuhong Gao. Currently, I am a teaching assistant in one section of Business Calc 1. I got my second Masters degree from Clemson University on December 2023! I am also a proud alumnus of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, South Africa (Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences 2019-2020). I got a bachelor's degree in Mathematics Education in 2018 from École Normale Supérieure, University of Antananarivo Madagascar. I am passionate about teaching and writing. You can find me on my Clemson page, my LinkedIn profile, and my Medium Page. I also share my interviews on Spotify. Find my math videos on YouTube.

You can reach me at my email address arakoto@clemson.edu.

Get my stories sent directly to your inbox by joining my email list at: https://antsahoneywinner.medium.com/subscribe.

The transcript for all my videos after 5/31/2024 can be downloaded as pdf files in this Transcript Vault