College survival guide

 List of resources you all should check out to survive college, the sooner, the better: 


Connections Are Everything: A College Student's Guide to Relationship-Rich Education

Brain Hacker by Dave Farrow: Memory and Focus Techniques.

YouTube Channels:

Jim Kwik's Brain Hack: Because we need to learn smart and not only a lot!


Google Calendar: At the beginning of each semester, I create a recurring event for each of my classes with class code and classroom location as the event title. That way will always know where to go at any time. I will have the events match exactly my schedule. So that I can always go back there and check where have I been on a specific day. I also put all deadlines, to-do lists, and reminders in the Google calendar itself and set notifications for each of them. 

Google Keep: Take quick notes either typed or speech-to-text. Integrated into the Google Calendar website but different Android/IOS apps.

Anki Universal: Stress-free review for your flashcards. Available in the Microsoft store for free.

LinkedIn: You may not be looking for a job yet but you definitely need to keep all your credentials, experiences, and achievements in a single place where they are easily accessible. 

Trello: A great up to manage your To-do lists, notes, and deadlines. Very easy and fun to use and most importantly, free. I learned to use Trello when I participated in the Africa Data Science Intensive Program in Spring 2022. 

LaTex resources:

Overleaf: Templates for anything people may be using LaTex for. 

Detexify: You draw the symbols, and they give the LaTex formula.

A WISEG tikzcd editor for your commutative diagrams 

GeoGebra: Yes, you can generate a latex code for your GeoGebra page and it is easier than learning Tikz. Sometimes, I just take screenshots from Geogebra too!