Antonov Consultancy

your partner in export

Our network

Antonov Consultancy is specialised in finding, building and maintaining business contacts in Russia. When doing business in Russia, in addition to good contacts knowledge of the language and business culture is an absolute necessity for a thorough assessment of the opportunities and dangers. Antonov Comsultancy uses a network of people inside and outside the Netherlands and Russia who specialize in this area.

Your company

Do you see or suspect good possibilities for (further) development of your business activities in Russia? Are you not sure how to handle this? Are your expectations realistic? How to find reliable customers, agents or distributors, how to deal with the language barier, what kind of distribution fits best, how to transfer your know-how onto your customers... These are all questions that we can help you with.

The link

Antonov Consultancy offers you her network, knowledge and decades of experience with doing business in Russia, We can assist your company with research, and help to develop the Russian market. In our opinion, key factors in that process should be continuous control and flexibility.

The approach

We work with a market development model, which aligns our extensive range of services with the needs of your company. Prior to each phase of the model, we make a cost analysis based on your specific wishes. We can even make part of these costs dependent on results. After completion of each phase you can decide whether and how you wish to proceed.