Antonis Achilleos

Assistant professor
Department of Computer Science, Reykjavik University 

email:    antonios AT ru DOT is 

Google scholar 






We have a running project called MoVeMnt

Before this position, I had received a postdoctoral grant from the Icelandic Research Fund for the project Epistemic Logic for Distributed Monitoring. 

Even before that, I worked as a postdoc on the project Theoretical Foundations of Monitorability by Luca Aceto, Adrian Francalanza, and Anna Ingólfsdóttir

I received my PhD from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in 2015, under the supervision of Sergei Artemov. My thesis was on the complexity of families of multi-agent justification logics.

So far, my research has mostly revolved around Runtime Verification and Justification and Modal Logic and their complexity. 


I am involved with the following events in 2023. Consider submitting a paper:

We organized the Logic Colloquium 2022 in Reykjavik