
These are my publications by inverse chronological order. For each publication, the following links may be available:

[52 ] C. Costoya, R. Gomes, and A. Viruel, "Realization of permutation modules via Alexandroff spaces", Results Math 79, 169 (2024).

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article[arXiv]

[51 ] F.J. Turiel and A. Viruel, "Smooth actions of connected compact Lie groups with a free point are determined by two vector fields", Journal of Geometry and Physics, Volume 201, July 2024, 105196.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article[arXiv]

[50 ] D. Karvatskyi, A. Murillo, and A. Viruel, "The achievement set of generalized multigeometric sequences", Results Math 79, 132 (2024). 

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article[arXiv]

[49] C. Costoya, V. Muñoz and A. Viruel, "On strongly inflexible manifolds", International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2023, Issue 9, May 2023, Pages 7355–7390.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv]

[48] C. Costoya, V. Muñoz, A. Tocino and A. Viruel, "Automorphism groups of Cayley evolution algebras", Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 117, 82 (2023).

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv]

[47] A. Cañas, R. Hidalgo, F.J. Turiel and A. Viruel, "Groups as automorphisms of dessins d'enfants", Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 116, 160 (2022).

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv]

[46] C. Costoya, P. Ligouras, A. Tocino and A. Viruel, "Regular evolution algebras are universally finite", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (2022), 919-925.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv]

[45] A. Cañas, V. Muñoz, J. Rojo, and A. Viruel, "A K-contact simply connected 5-manifold with no semi-regular Sasakian structure", Publ. Mat. 65 (2021), 615-651.

[MathSciNet MR]  [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv]

[44] Kevin I. Piterman, Iván Sadofschi Costa, and Antonio Viruel, "Acyclic 2-dimensional complexes and Quillen’s conjecture", Publ. Mat. 65 (2021), 129-140.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv]

[43] C. Costoya, D. Méndez and A. Viruel, "Representability of permutation representations on coalgebras and the isomorphism problem", Mediterr. J. Math. 17, 157 (2020).

 [MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv]

[42] C. Costoya, and A. Viruel, "A primer on the group of self-homotopy equivalences: a Rational Homotopy Theory approach", Graduate J. Math. 5, Issue 1 (2020), 76-87.

 [MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article]

[41] C. Costoya, D. Méndez and A. Viruel, "Realisability problem in arrow categories", Collect. Math. 71 (2020), 383-405.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[40] C. Costoya, D. Méndez and A. Viruel, "The group of self-homotopy equivalences of $A^2_n$-polyhedra", J. Group Theory 23 (2020), 575-591.

 [MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv]

[39] F.J. Turiel and A. Viruel, "Finite groups of diffeomorphisms are topologically determined by a vector field", Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 114, 135 (2020).

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv]

[38] A. Díaz Ramos, and A. Viruel, "A p-nilpotency criterion for finite groups", Acta. Math. Hun. 157 (2019), 154-157.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[37] C. Costoya, and A. Viruel. "On the realizability of group actions", Adv. Math. 336 (2018), 299-315.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[36] F.J. Turiel, and A. Viruel. "Smooth torus actions are described by a single vector field", Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 34 (2018), 839-852.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[35] C. Costoya, D. Méndez and A. Viruel. "Homotopically rigid Sullivan algebras and their applications (with an Appendix by P. Lambrechts and D. Stanley)", Contemp. Math. 708 (2018), 103-121.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[34] C. Costoya, J. Scherer, and A. Viruel, "A Torus Theorem for homotopy nilpotent groups", Arkiv för Matematik 56 (2018), 53-71.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[33] A. Díaz Ramos, A. Espinosa Baro and A. Viruel, "A cohomological characterization of nilpotent fusion systems", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 146 (2018), 1447-1450.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv]

[32] C. Draper, and A. Viruel. "Fine gradings on e6", Publicacions Matemàtiques 60 (2016), 113-170.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[31] J. González-Sánchez, A. Ruiz, and A. Viruel. "On Thompson's p-complement theorems for saturated fusion systems", Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 55 (2015), 617-626.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[30] C. Costoya, and A. Viruel. "Rational homotopy theory for computing colorability of simplicial complexes", Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 26 (2015), 207-212.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] 

[29] C. Costoya, and A. Viruel. "Faithful actions on Commutative Differential Graded Algebras and the Group Isomorphism Problem", The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 65 (2014), 857-867

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[28] C. Costoya, and A. Viruel. "Every finite group is the group of self homotopy equivalences of an elliptic space", Acta Mathematica 213 (2014), 49-62.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[27] J. Cantarero, J. Scherer, and A. Viruel. "Nilpotent p-local finite groups", Arkiv för Matematik 52 (2014), 203-225.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[26] F.J. Turiel, and A. Viruel. "Finite C-actions are described by a single vector field", Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 30 (2014), 317-330.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[25] A. Díaz, A. Ruiz, and A. Viruel. "Cohomological uniqueness of some p-groups", Proc. of the Edinburgh Math. Soc. 56 (2013), 449-468.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[24] A. Ruiz, and A. Viruel. "Cohomological uniqueness, Massey products and the modular isomorphism problem for 2-groups of maximal nilpotency class", Transactions AMS. 365 (2013), 3729-3751.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[23] C. Costoya, and A. Viruel. "Inductive LS cocategory and localisation", Manuscripta Mathematica 140 (2013), 295-302.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[22] M. Cuvillez, A. Murillo, and A. Viruel. "Nilpotency of self homotopy equivalences with coefficients", Annales de l'Institut Fourier 61 (2011), 351-364.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv]

[21] C. Draper, C. Martín, and A. Viruel. "Fine Gradings on the Lie algebra d4", Forum Mathematicum 22 (2010), 863-877.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[20] A. Libman, and A. Viruel. "On the homotopy type of the non-completed classifying space of a p-local finite group", Forum Mathematicum 21 (2009), 723-757.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] 

[19] C. Draper, and A. Viruel. "Group gradings on o(8,C)", Reports on Mathematical Physics 61 (2008), 263-278.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[18] K. Andersen, J. Grodal, J.M. Møller, and A. Viruel. "The classification of p-compact groups for p odd", Annals of Math. 167 (2008), 95-210.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[17] A. Garvín, A. Murillo, J. Remedios, and A. Viruel. "The group of self homotopy equivalences of some localized aspherical complexes", Math. Nach. 281 (2008), 214-218.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[16] A. Díaz, A. Ruiz, and A. Viruel. "All p-local finite groups of rank 2, p odd", Transactions AMS 359 (2007), 1725-1764.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[15] A. Vavpetic, and A. Viruel. "Simplectic groups are N-determined 2-compact groups", Fundamenta Math. 192 (2006) , 121-139.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[14] J.L. Rodríguez, J. Scherer, and A. Viruel. "Non simple localization of finite simple groups", J. of Algebra 305 (2006), 765-774.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[13] A. Vavpetic, and A. Viruel. "On the mod p cohomology of BPU(p)", Transactions AMS 357 (2005), 4517-4532.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] 

[12] J.L. Rodríguez, J. Scherer, and A. Viruel. "Preservation of perfectness and acyclicity: Berrick's and Casacuberta's universal acyclic space localized at a set of primes", Forum Mathematicum 17 (2005), 67-75.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] [arXiv] 

[11] A. Ruiz, and A. Viruel. "The classification of p-local finite groups over the extraspecial group of order p3 and exponent p", Math. Z. 248 (2004), 45-65.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article]

[10] C. Broto, and A. Viruel. "Projective unitary groups are totally N-determined p-compact groups", Math. Proceedings of Cambridge Philos. Society 136 (2004), 75-88.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] 

[09] A. Vavpetic, and A. Viruel. "On the Homotopy type of the Classifying Space of the Exceptional Lie Group F4", Manuscripta Math. 107 (2002), 521-540.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] 

[08] A. Viruel. "Mod 3 homotopy uniqueness of BF4", J. Math. Kyoto University 41 (2001), 769-793.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] 

[07] A. Murillo, and A. Viruel. "Lusternik-Schnirelmann cocategory: A Whitehead dual approach", Cohomological Methods in Homotopy Theory, Progress in Math. 196, Birkhäuser Verlag (2001), 323-347.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] 

[06] A. Garvín, A. Murillo, P. Pavešic, and A. Viruel. "Nilpotency and localization of groups of fibre homotopy equivalences", Contemp. Math. 274 (2001), 145-157.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] 

[05] A. Viruel. "E8 is a totally N-determined 5-compact group", Contemp. Math. 265 (2000), 223-231.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] 

[04] A. Viruel. "On the mod 3 homotopy type of the classifying space of a central product of SU(3)'s", J. Math. Kyoto University 39 (1999), 249-275.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article]

[03] A. Garvín, L. Lechuga, A. Murillo, V. Muñoz, and A. Viruel. "An extension of Miller's version of the De Rham theorem with any coefficients", Homotopy and Geometry, Banach Center Pub. 45 (1998), 169-176.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article] 

[02] A. Viruel. "Homotopy Uniqueness of BG2", Manuscripta Math. 95 (1998), 471-497.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article]

[01] C. Broto, and A. Viruel. "Homotopy Uniqueness of BPU(3)", Proc. of Symposia in Pure Maths. 63 (1998), 85-93.

[MathSciNet MR] [zbMATH Open] [Article]