Experimental Laboratory

for Finance and Economics

I am the Scientific Director of the UCL Experimental Laboratory for Finance and Economics (ELFE). At ELFE, we study human behaviour in individual decision-making tasks, as well as in markets and games.

You can find out more about ELFE on its website:

My Work with ELFE:

Studies on Financial Decision-Making

We are running a series of studies on financial decision making and require financial professionals to participate. For one study, in particular, we need traders and portfolio managers.

The experiment will be run at ELFE at the Centre for Finance (Department of Economics – UCL).

We would be extremely grateful if you would consider participating in our study and if you could flag this invitation to all friends and colleagues who could be potentially interested.

We really hope you and your colleagues are willing to take part. It would be of tremendous help to scientific research.

All information gathered in the experiment will be anonymised and treated as confidential.

Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me (a.guarino@ucl.ac.uk).