
Assessing the Stabilizing Effects of Unemployment Benefit Extensions

(with Alexey Gorn)

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2024, 16(1) 

Supplementary Appendix 

[CEPR Discussion Paper No. 16125]

Financial Markets and Unemployment 

(with Tommaso Monacelli and Vincenzo Quadrini)

Journal of Financial Economics, 2023, 147(3)

Revisiting Productivity Dynamics in Europe: A New Measure of Utilization-Adjusted TFP Growth

(with Diego Comin, Javier Quintana and Tom Schmitz)

Revise & Resubmit, Journal of the European Economic Association 

[NBER Working Paper No. 31006] [CEPR Discussion Paper No. 15402] [Data: TFP Estimates]

Temporary Layoffs, Loss-of-Recall, and Cyclical Unemployment Dynamics 

 (with Mark Gertler and Christopher Huckfeldt)

Revise & Resubmit, American Economic Review 

[NBER Working Paper No. 30134. June 2022] [CEPR Discussion Paper No. 17376 June 2022][Slides]

How to Measure Labor Market Slack? Worker Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy 

ECB Forum on Central Banking 2021, Conference Proceedings


Unemployment Fluctuations, Match Quality and the Wage Cyclicality of New Hires 

(with Mark Gertler and Christopher Huckfeldt)

The Review of Economic Studies, 2020, 87(4)

Supplementary Appendix 

Structural and Cyclical Forces in the Labor Market during the Great Recession: Cross-Country Evidence

(with Luca Sala and Ulf Soderstrom)

NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2012, 2013, The University of Chicago Press

Taxes and the Labor Market 

(with Tommaso Monacelli and Roberto Perotti)

Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomic Performance, L. Céspedes and J. Galì eds., Series on Central Banking, Analysis and Economic Policies, Central Bank of Chile, 2012, vol. 17

Unemployment Fiscal Multipliers

(with Tommaso Monacelli and Roberto Perotti)

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2010, 57 (5)

Unemployment Fluctuations with Staggered Nash Wage Bargaining

(with Mark Gertler)

Journal of Political Economy, 2009, 117 (1)

Featured in the Financial Times

Equilibrium Unemployment, Job flows and Inflation Dynamics

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2009, 41 (1)

An Estimated Monetary DSGE Model with Unemployment and Staggered Nominal Wage Bargaining

(with Mark Gertler and Luca Sala)

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2008, 40 (8)

Monetary Policy under Uncertainty in an Estimated Model with Labor Market Frictions

(with Luca Sala and Ulf Soderstrom)

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2008, 55 (5)

Public Employment and the Business Cycle

(with Vincenzo Quadrini)

Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2007, 109 (4)

The Output Gap, the Labor Wedge, and the Dynamic Behavior of Hours

(with Luca Sala and Ulf Soderstrom)

CEPR Discussion Paper No. 8005. September 2010

The Role of Search Frictions and Bargaining for Inflation Dynamics

IGIER Working Paper No. 304. February 2006

Work in Progress

Fiscal Policy and Sectoral Reallocation According to HANK-SAM-IO

(with Alexey Gorn and Nicolò Rizzotti)


Mismatch Unemployment According to HANK-SAM-IO

(with Alexey Gorn and Nicolò Rizzotti)


Accounting for the Dynamics of EE Transitions. The Role of Worker, Firm, and Contractual Heterogeneity 

(with Ivan Lagrosa)

Project selected for the 2022 “Visitinps Scholar Program”.


Hidden Labor Underutilization and Heterogeneous Job-Seekers: A New Measure of Slack for Italy 

(with Nicolò Gnocato)


The Ins and Outs of Italian Unemployment. Also Accounting for Demographics and Dual Labor Markets

(with Jerome Adda and Ivan Lagrosa)


Who Creates and Destroys Jobs over the Business Cycle?

(with Andrea Colciago and Volker Lindenthal)

De Nederlandsche Bank Working Paper No. 628, 2019

Comments in Journals

Comment on Can Appreciation Be Expansionary? Evidence from the Euro Area

Economic Policy, 2018, 33 (94)

Comment on Fiscal Consolidation in a Low-Inflation Environment: Pay Cuts Versus Lost Jobs

International Journal of Central Banking, 2018, 14 (13)

Comment on On the Economics and Politics of Refugee Migration

Economic Policy, 2018, 32 (91)

Comment on Global Liquidity and Cross-Border Bank Flows

Economic Policy, 2017, 32 (89)

Comment on Academies, Charter and Free Schools: Do New School Types Deliver Better Outcomes?

Economic Policy, 2016, 31 (87)

Comment on Long-Term Nonemployment and Job Displacement

2014 Jackson Hole Symposium on Re-evaluating Labor Market Dynamics, 2015, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

Comment on Cyclical Wages in a Search-and-Bargaining Model with Large Firms

NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2006, 2008, The University of Chicago Press