Iconic Building



Describe your iconic building.

It an outdoor concert hall with the roof being the top of the wave with stage underneath.

What does your iconic building look like?

The building will look like a wave about to crash in on itself. The wave won't be a single flowing sheet but a segmented sheet.

What is the title of your iconic building?

Blu Wave.

What materials is your iconic building made out of?

Steel and glass.

What or who inspired your iconic building?

Zaha Hadid's building that have a flowing look to them that look like water ran over it for a long time.

Does your iconic building express a personal or social issue?

The idea came from my love of the ocean.

What is the BIG IDEA behind your iconic building?

The main idea is a wave that covers the open air stage.

What are your goals as an architect?

To design buildings that look good, that are use, and serve a purpose.

Does iconic building reach your goals? Why or Why Not?

What did you learn creating your iconic building?

Is the final piece what you imagined? How so?

How will this piece influence your future designs?

The project is about designing a building that would be iconic in city if built