Types of jewellery famous in the various state of India

Types of jewellery famous in the various state of India

It is a well know fact that jewellery is the first love of a woman. In India jewellery is not only a piece of metal which is used for adoration but it has its own significance. Traditionally jewellery has always been linked with wealth, power and status. Types of jewellery and designs are so versatile in India that it vary from state to state. If one jewellery is famous in one state it is not necessary that the same jewellery will be famous too in another state. So, we can say that Indian jewellery could be the identity of any particular state. If you need a jewellery of Rajasthan tradition or any other modern Indian jewellery Antiquariat Jaipur could be one of the best options. Let’s discuss traditional jewellery of some states which shows its identity.

Jewellery of Jammu and Kashmir

Women of Jammu and Kashmir are renowned for their beauty in India and so as their jewellery. The jewellery of Kashmir are famous for its design and very minutely work. The Kashmiri jewelers seem to have had nature as their model in most of the jewellery design. Ornaments made in Kashmir are usually made of gold or silver. The technique of making jewellery are old and traditional, it has a unique and beautiful style which is tough to copy. The typical ornament which Hindu women wear is dejharoo, which is a pair of gold pendants hanging on a silk thread or gold chain which is used to pass through the ear pierced at the top of the ear. Women of Kashmir wear a huge round ear rings which are called as Kundals in the local language. A wide range of traditional jewellery could be found at our Jaipur based jewellery showroom Antiquariat Jaipur.

Jewellery of Rajasthan

Rajasthani jewellery has a history of it from its ancient time of king’s. Rajasthan has a very unique and beautiful tradition of jewellery. Like if we talk about lac bangles, it is usually worn in sets of odd numbers in each hand, they show tremendous variety in design. An ideal wear includes 17 bangles worn on the upper arm and nine on the lower arm, a total of 52 on both hands. One of the most famous jewellery of Rajasthan is Bhansali which is basically a silver torque of hollow construction. Jadau jewellery is another famous jewellery from Rajasthan which is made by different kinds of gems, pearl, sapphire, ruby, diamond, emerald and various other precious stones are used to decorate it. A wide range of traditional Rajasthani jewellery is available at Antiquariat Jaipur.

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