Hindu Funeral Traditions and Services: What You Need to Know

Hinduism is one of the world's oldest religions with roots dating back to about 1500 BC. It has existed in many different forms over the centuries, but today there are two main branches: Shaivite Hinduism and Vaishnavite Hinduism. For Hindus, funeral rites are considered sacred ceremonies that should be performed by a son or grandson if no male heir is available. Funeral services can vary depending on who you speak to, but most families will have some sort of ceremony whether it's at home or in a temple. This blog post goes over what you need to know about traditional Hindu funeral traditions and services!

Hindu cremation and Hindu mourning period

Hindu funerals are typically held rather quickly so that the body can be cremated and its soul released.

Cremation in India is a very old tradition. The cremation ritual takes place on what's called the pyre and it typically involves family members lighting up, one by one if necessary until everyone has had their turn or given offerings to symbolize that they're giving light instead of taking death with them when this person passes away.

Funeral Services in Indirapuram

We are a Hindu funeral services provider in Delhi, NCR, Ghaziabad and Indirapuram, our services can be held at either a crematory or chapel. These ceremonies typically involve the use of scripture and song, with guests paying their respects by leaving flowers on top for when they file past after it's done- usually without much ceremony other than this one final act which marks closure between them all together in death as well reminder that we will eventually join our loved ones again up above where there isn't room enough anymore so why don’t you make peace now while your heart still has some beatings left inside its chambers?

Hindus believe that when someone passes away, their soul separates from their body. It takes time for them to reach heaven or charnel ground depending on what you want more information about- so it’s important not just during this 13 day period but also afterwards as well! This may seem sad because we are saying goodbye forever but think of all the good memories associated with your loved one now being able celebrate his/her life together again without any more cause for worry than there already was before.

The Hindu funerary rituals were created out of respect & admiration towards one's ancestors; therefore I feel these traditions should.

Are You Planning for a Hindu Funeral Ceremony?

Hindu funerals are a beautiful way to honor the soul. Antim's Sanskar Service providers will help you plan and facilitate your ceremony in an atmosphere of comfort, peace, love & spirituality.

Cremation rituals can be just as meaningful for those who have chosen not to digest their departed one flesh with fire but rather fashion them into smoke which is thereafter dispersed upon earth or water accordingly; these services include private viewing rooms where family members may gather before cremation takes place.

Are you in need of guidance for Hindu funeral traditions, planning a service or finding the perfect Hindu priest? Want to get started today? We have locations near me.