Anti Aging Foods For The Better Skin Care

The term 'ageing' relates to the degeneration of the body cells due to the damage of the macro molecules, cells, tissues, and organs. It is necessary to follow a strict diet routine inclusive of food materials having anti-ageing properties to avoid the early ageing of skin cells. A foodstuff is said to have anti-ageing properties when it is inclusive of one or more anti-ageing mechanisms, including:

1. Periodic replacement of damaged tissues with a healthy one.

2. Maintenance of molecular repairing of degenerated cells and tissues.

3. Anti-oxidation properties that reduce the rate of free radical production and the subsequent damage to the DNA cells.

This article is good for those individuals who desire to have an idea about the best anti aging foods. The list of foodstuffs include the following:

1. Whole Grains

Cereals, including Bajra, Jowar, Nachani, Oats, and Broken Wheat, are the base of a balanced diet in India. These food grains include hypocholesterolemic and toxin-lowering effects because of their high-fibre content. In addition to it, these are a good source of the vitamin B complex. Whole cereals ensure the good health of metabolism function in an individual's body and prevent abnormalities in the DNA.

2. Milk And Milk Products

Milk and its associated by-products are rich in high-quality protein fibre. Individuals who are worried about their aged look must consume milk products. Also, they can consume milk products by adding proteins in the form of supplements. The consumption will prevent wrinkles and sagging of skin cells.

3. Beans And Legumes

Beans are a good source of protein and contain a low quantity of fat. These nutrients are inclusive of anthocyanin and isoflavones- which are anti-ageing agents. The beans include soybeans, kidney beans (Rajma), chickpeas, etc.

One factor that is important to consider is that the consumption of these beans is good when consumed in their raw forms. Cooking, microwaving, and frying reduce the anti-nutritional factors of beans.

4. Sprouts

Sprouts are enriched with good quality whole grains. The inclusion of these in an individual's regular diet assists in preventing strokes, thickening of the arterial walls, cancer, and maintenance of a healthy digestive system. The germination of pulses and grains enhances vitamin C in the sprouts, which also enriches the protein content.

5. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli assist individuals in maintaining fatigue, muscle weakness, heart failure, and neurological disorders away. These ensure an adequate level of energy in the body cells. Quercetin found in these vegetables helps in battling against inflammation, which is a significant cause of skin cells ageing.

Cruciferous vegetables also control arteriosclerosis by preserving an optimum calcium concentration level in the brain, heart valves, and artery walls. In addition to it, the sulphur content helps in battling against toxins and cancer-causing substances.

6. Leafy Vegetables

Vegetables enrich in vitamin K protect the endothelial function and circulation that is vital for the heart's health. The presence of folic acid assists in repairing the damaged DNA cells and keeping them in an optimum health condition. Thus, it prevents individuals from cancer and brain/liver degeneration.

7. Green Vegetables

Carotenoids and selenium present in green vegetables, including capsicum, ladyfingers, and gourd-vegetables are important to keep the overall health of individuals in a healthy state. They help to prevent and improve the loss of energy, muscle strength, and neurological functions, which are linked with senility. Consumption of raw capsicum in the form of salad is considered good because it increases the vitamin C content of the diet.

8. White Vegetables And Fruits

The fruits and veggies included in this category are onion, white radish, apple, banana, etc. The compounds present in these are rich in antioxidants property which can destroy the growth of cancer-causing substances in the body. Among these, onions are renowned for improving the immunity whose level in the body reduces with the process of ageing.


The above-mentioned fruits and vegetables are considered the best Anti Aging Food in India as these are available easily and anywhere across the Indian peninsular region. Individuals who desire to have beautiful skin that looks younger even after their 30s can add these fruits and veggies to their regular diets to avail the anti-ageing benefits for themselves.