Anthea Monod

I am a Lecturer (Assistant Professor with tenure) in Biomathematics at the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London.

I am an Elsie Widdowson Fellow at Imperial College and an Emmy Noether Fellow of the London Mathematical Society.

My research uses theory from pure mathematics (algebraic geometry and algebraic topology) to develop computational and statistical methods for data that have complex structures, or that live in complex spaces.  I have applied my research to real data to solve problems in mathematical and computational biology.

Research Interests: 

Contact:  a [dot] monod [at] imperial [dot] ac [dot] uk
Office: Roderic Hill 318

My Google Scholar page; My GitHub repositories

📣 My research team and I won a £10M EPSRC grant to study the mathematical and computational foundations of AI using geometry, topology, and probability!  The PI is Prof. Michael Bronstein at Oxford Computer Science; I am the Imperial node lead.  You can read the press release about it here.

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