Allows end users to manage group membership for any groups that they are assigned as the manager of in Active Directory

If you have ever assigned a user as a manager of a security/distribution group in Active Directory, you may have noticed the option "Manager can update membership list" which grants the user permission to add and remove members from this group. The only problem with this is that there is no easy way for the user to actually make these changes, other than through Microsoft Outlook. 

So Group Manager was designed to be an easy to use tool for end users to add and remove users/contacts/groups to any groups that they are managers of, for any organisations that do not have (or do not want to use) Microsoft Outlook for this task. It will also be useful for any organisations that are using Outlook but are moving to a hosted Exchange solution, as end users will not be able to make changes to the local domain through Outlook in this scenario.


 No configuration required - automatically detects current user and finds only groups that they are manager of

 Allows end users to add new members or remove existing members (users, contacts, computers, or groups) to any of the groups they manage

 Works with groups that are managed by other groups that the user is a member of

 User friendly and simple to use

 Add members from other domains in your forest or from externally trusted domains

 Control via Group Policy - control which types of objects the user can add to groups, whether or not they are allowed to remove existing members, and more

 Export current group members to CSV file

Click here for Group Policy ADM file that allows control of all programs options via Group Policy and a guide that explains how to use it.

The free edition is intended to be used by smaller organisations where users only manage a single group, or by anyone that wants to test the application out before purchasing the standard edition. It is only able to manage a single group (if the user is a manager of more than one group then a warning will appear and they will only see the first group found) and the user is also not able to change any of the program options (manually or via Group Policy) or add new members from other domains.

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We have an ArcGIS Online organizational account that incorporates Azure AD into the user management of the organization. When we create a group and adjust the group settings on 'Who can contribute content' to 'Group owner and managers' we are then unable to share to the group even if they user is designated as a Group Manager. We are, however, able to add an item to the group by first finding the group in the 'Groups' tab, going into the group and clicking 'add items to the group' on the group page.

ESRI does call out this behavior as a 'Tip' in their documentation on Sharing Items as follows: "If you are looking for a group you manage and don't see it listed here, click Groups at the top of the site and search for the group by name or use the filters to refine the list. When you find the group, click the group name and click Add items to group on the group page. Find and select the items you want to share with the group, and click Add items. Use the search, filters, and sort options to find items. This group sharing option is available to group owners and group managers only."

What we are wondering is why is this the expected behavior and if there is any plan to incorporate the traditional way of sharing items to groups regardless of the 'Who can contribute content' setting. This way of 'sharing' (adding items to groups) is not the usual experience that users have when sharing items to a group. It is great that it is called out this way in the documentation, but has been frustrating for users that don't anticipate this behavior.

I believe this experience is also what we find when sharing content to groups. Myself and another typically create content and share it to Groups to make it available to group members for viewing and editing. But we often find that despite the group being visible and selectable through the Share Item to Group option, when we hit Save, nothing happens (when the data is in our Admin account but we're using our own admin level accounts). If we then switch logins to the admin account that owns the data, then we can share it as expected.

It frustrates us having to switch accounts despite already being Administrators and the groups being visible in the sharing settings, yet not honouring the selection when selecting Save. Either show it as an option and let it work or hide it if it won't.

We have also encountered this behavior with an administrative group in our organization. The group owner (me) and the organization owner (who is also a group manager) can share content directly to the group from the Item Details page, but the other group managers have to find the group and add content to it as described in the help document tip shared above. It's an non-intuitive five-click workflow, and I would very much like for the other group managers to be able to share content to this group from the Share dialog on the Item Details page like they can for other groups.

When incident assigned to the group all members getting notification including manager and I am expecting manager should not get the notification because manager is not member nor notification contains recipent as group.manager.

Within group management we have a Managers variable(Queue Manager). I would like to design a way to add the manager as a member of the group when that variables is first populated or changed after the fact or even have a UI Action to add the group manager as a member.

The issue we have is that our group managers have no visibility to what tickets are assigned to their groups unless they are a member. If there is another solution to this problem I would like to hear it.

Hello, just a question, why I don't see the AGM icon on the VAB screen ? It should appear when I edit groups and here I only get the icon on the launchpad... Any known incompatibilities? Or is it only for the launch part ? It's more simple that AGX and I find it a bit confusing coming from it. If you can help you, feel free.

A group product manager (GPM) is a product leader who manages the product team responsible for a particular group of products. Notably, this role is described as a player/coach role. A GPM brings together the aspects of being an individual contributor and those of managing and developing people

Typically a GPM starts as a product manager who moves up the PM ranks and has a deep desire to manage people. As a result, GPMs often become Head of Product, Director of Product Management, or VP of Product.

Group Manager is an implementation of permissions. It allows you to set up permissions for groups, and add users to these groups. The result is you can have multiple tiers which have access to specified commands. This is useful for most Minecraft servers, as it lets you create a custom caste system. Without it, you may struggle to control the extent of server control your users have.

Group Manager allows you to effectively manage users' permissions by letting you create as many different groups and sub-groups as you could possibly need. This configuration can be as simple or as complicated as you make it.

The most traditional system (shown below) uses group inheritance, starting with new players at the top, and owners on the bottom.On smaller servers you might end up merging the moderator and admin rolls, but most people will have different opinions when it comes to which powers the admin should receive access to, and which powers moderators should receive as well.

The parent node won't always be the name of the plugin, so check before creating your groups. This feature allows plugins to have the same commands, but not conflict with each other when specifying which plugin's command to designate as default.

You can also give the '*' wildcard by itself, without specifying a plugin. This causes the specified group to have access to every command from every plugin.Note: Conflicting commands will become unstable unless negated by a negative node. Use at your own risk. Not all plugins properly register their permissions as well.

Group Manager allows you to define variables as well as permissions. These are values which are unique to the group. They are typically used in plugins to alter behaviour, based on groups. There are two major examples of this: the 'prefix' and 'suffix' variable and the 'build' toggle.

Some plugins support group based 'antigrief' protection. Like with the chat colours, Group Manager doesn't provide this functionality. Plugins such as EssentialsProtect do.

Typically the build status is given as:

To let someone else in your organization act as a Google Voice ring group manager, such as assigning members to the ring group or setting up outbound call rules, give them the ring group management role.

Our generalist managers often work across a variety of practices during their careers with Analysis Group, though some choose to specialize within just one or two areas. Health care managers are staffed to cases within our HEOR, Epidemiology & Market Access practice.

We seek exceptional candidates who are passionate about solving economic, financial, and business challenges, and who are focused, rigorous, and thorough in their work. The manager position is for those who hold an advanced degree, with relevant academic or industry experience.

From rich orientation programming, to mentoring from advisors and experienced consultants, to Analysis Group University (AGU) courses and trainings, every manager has an array of opportunities to learn, grow, and advance.

AG Orientation: All new full-time employees attend an annual orientation in Boston. Orientation features speeches from senior staff, small group discussions, and social events. New employees return to work with a greater understanding of our history, work, culture, and people, as well as an expanded network of peers and resources to help them succeed at our firm. e24fc04721

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