
Current Students

  1. Jey Ganesh, M.Tech. [2021-2023]

  2. Anwesh Panda, M.Tech. [2021-2023]

  3. Aditya Ray, PhD [2022 - ongoing]

Graduated Students

  1. Palash Chandra, M.Tech., Thesis Title: "Resource Constrained Optimization of Capsule Network ", 2021.

  2. Maulik Verma, M.Tech., Thesis Title: "Detection of Plant Diseases Using CNN through Segmentation and Balancing Techniques ", 2021.

  3. Sumit Saha, M.Tech., Thesis Title: "An Efficient Matrix Multiplication Methodology for GPU Architectures ", 2021.

  4. Kavita Kumari, M.Tech., Thesis Title: "An Efficient Query Optimizer using Deep Reinforcement Learning ", 2021.

  5. Anupam Prakash, Dual Degree B.Tech.-M.Tech., Thesis Title: "Optimizing Training Algorithm in Federated Learning ", 2021.

  6. Piyush Sharma, Dual Degree B.Tech.-M.Tech., Thesis Title: "Malicious Client Detection and Prevention in Federated Learning ", 2021.

  7. Sunil Kumar Maurya, M.Tech., Thesis Title: "A Novel GPU-based Approach to Exploit Time-respectingness in Public Transport Networks for Efficient Computation of Earliest Arrival Time", 2022.

  8. Shashank Bharti, M.Tech., Thesis Title: "A Parallel Library for Density Functional Theory", 2022.