
Abhor's conversation with ChatGPT on popularizing ArMoR and how it was designed. ChatGPT recommends exactly what we did in the game!

Abhor Gupta

Post Bacc Fellow

Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

IIT Madras

Children 3D printed their own key chains during Vigyan Shivir & Jigyasa events

Explaining Artificial Intelligence with tic-tac-toe to school kids during IISF2018 - Lucknow

Introducing Sophia, world's first humanoid robot citizen, to school kids during IISF2018 - Lucknow

Interactions with school children on 3D printer and its applications

Interactions with school children on 3D printer and its applications

At SDG Summer School in Paris, discussing concepts of AMR with citizens

Building a mobile based app with Udit, IXth std, for pulse based health metrics

Selfie with "Scientechtives (a term I coined to indicate Science Detectives)", students learned to use sequence alignment algorithms to solve crime case


We raise awareness on antimicrobial resistance through games, videos, events, playtests, interactions, and more ...


One of our first events with school kids was during the UK-India workshop on AMR in 2016. We designed brochures and posters to simplify AMR for school children and public at large and received appreciation for the same from the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) in their newsletter https://www.rsc.org/news-events/community/2017/feb/newton-workshops/

Subsequently, we organized interaction events at India International Science Festive (IISF) in 2018 and virtual events during IISF 2020 - https://www.imtech.res.in/events/curtain-raiser-iisf-2020/242 and https://www.imtech.res.in/events/iisf-2020---teaser-release-for-a-video-game/243

During several occasions while designing and developing ArMoR, we conducted events for community feedback. In the same series, we organized a three-part gaming experiment on 3rd June 2019 and 2nd Aug 2019 .

We were happy that Dr. Anil Koul (https://www.imtech.res.in/director), a world-renowned scientist, key member of the team who discovered the first tuberculosis drug in the past 40 years, Bedaquiline, gave a talk at this event. He shared the story of Bedaquiline and also informed the participating ‘gamers’ on the issue of AMR.

During the second event, Dr. Anuj Sharma, Technical focal point for AMR, IPC and Labs at World Health Organization Country Office for India gave a talk on the issue of antimicrobial resistance.

The event was organized by my lab (in CRI, Paris, France and CSIR-IMTECH, Chandigarh, India) in collaboration with Miranda House, Delhi, India

In 2020, we did a playtest at CRI too - https://events.cri-paris.org/e/887/cri-antimicrobial-resistance-game-online-playtest-2

School children were invited for the UK-India workshop on 2016 to CSIR-IMTECH ab-openlab.csir.res.in/ amrworkshop

ArMoR's first playtest with school children in Paris, France, 2019.

Dr. Anil Koul interacted with school/college crowd about challenges to address AMR. This was done as part of the AMR games playtests

Me interacting with the school/college crowd about the playtests on AMR from Paris LIVE in June 2019

ArMoR reached the finals of the international Educational Games Competition. More about ArMoR at https://sites.google.com/view/anshub/armor

We were also covered by the Times of India https://t.co/yFTx6czPKo?amp=1