ANR JCJC Project RAW (2020-2022)

Random Schrödinger operators Arising in the study of random Walks

The Project

The aim of this project is to study random Schrödinger operators that have arisen in recent years in connection with random walks in different settings, namely, random walks in random environments, random quantum walks, and random walks in highly connected networks. These settings all have in common the central role of random operators. We aim to exploit the extensively developed theory of random Schrödinger operators to study these models, and obtain a complete description of their spectral and dynamical properties. This will require the use and development of tools at the interface of probability, analysis and physics. We expect that this will provide information for phase transitions in the aforementioned models.

Keywords: Random operators, Anderson localization, disordered quantum systems, Integrated Density of States, random quantum walks, reinforced random processes, fractional random operators, multiscale analysis, spectral theory

Work Package A

Random Schrödinger operators in connection with reinforced random walks in random environments.

In connection with DFG Research Grant (Sachbeihilfe) No. 417891127

Work Package B

Random Schrödinger operators in connection with Quantum Random Walks

Work Package C

Random Schrödinger operators generated by random walks in highly connected graphs

Graduate schools to bring together analysts, probabilists, and physicists to discuss the future of random operators in connection to random walks.

The Team

(U. Paris Sorbonne Nord)

(CY Cergy Paris University)

(U. Strasbourg)