APPLY is organized around three scientific WPs dedicated to the MUSE-WFM, MUSE-NFM, OSIRIS and HARMONI instruments. Our main objective is to go beyond the simple proof of concepts and provide operational solutions. This is why the application with real (and popular) instruments is a must, and this is how the WPs have been built. Each instrument will go through the 3 methodological steps (“enabling PSF prediction”, “science verification”, “production/distribution”), starting with the most mature ones and progressively increasing the complexity. This strategy allows for the most challenging WPs to take benefit from the previous developments. Moreover, in order to ensure the overall coherence and the best possible synergies between WPs, we have assigned a reference person for each WP (horizontal developments) and each methodological step (vertical developments). This team will meet every 3 to 6 months to assess the progress and consistency of the overall project.