Creating a Winning Corporate Video: A Step-by-Step Guide to Pre-Production,

This corporate video production article will dive into each of these phases, offering a step-by-step guide to creating a winning corporate video.


The first step in the process is pre-production. Pre-production is the planning phase. It’s when you figure out what you want to do and how you’re going to do it. Here are some important steps for successful pre-production:

1) Define Your Goal – Before starting any corporate video production project, it’s important to understand what the goal of the video is. What is its purpose? Who is your target audience? Once these questions have been answered, they should be included in an overall concept and mission statement that will serve as a road map throughout production and post production stages.

2) Create a Script – Developing an engaging script that conveys your message effectively should be one of your top priorities during pre-production. Make sure your script covers all aspects of your story and connects with viewers emotionally while also being concise enough so that it can fit into the allotted corporate video production time frame for production or post production editing (usually 3 minutes or less).

3) Identify Your Resources – After laying out all details related to content, you must determine if there are any resources needed for completion of this project such as actors, props/sets, equipment rental companies etc… Identifying these resources ahead of time will make sure nothing falls through the cracks once you start filming or editing in the corporate video production post production phase.

4) Assign Roles & Responsibilities - Depending on budget constraints, assigning roles and responsibilities may take place during the pre-production stage or after scouting locations for shooting day(s). It’s important that everyone understands their duties before filming begins so there isn’t any confusion on set which could potentially delay progress and increase cost overruns down the line (if applicable).


Now we enter into the actual filming phase: Production! This corporate video production stage involves many different elements including scouting locations; setting up lights; sound design; camera operation etc… Here are few tips on how ensure smooth sailing:

1) Utilise Professional Gear – If possible try using professional cameras as well as lenses & lighting equipment instead of consumer grade gear which can lead to poor quality results when viewed by the audience in larger settings like television screens etc. You don't want bad corporate video production visuals detracting from impactful messages being conveyed through dialogue/storyline within corporate video itself! Also make sure audio setup captures clear sound without any distortion due distortion levels associated with cheaper mics available at electronic stores - this will make difference between good quality video versus great one!

2) Have Back Up Plans Ready - Although having back up plans ready sounds like common sense advice sometimes unexpected circumstances occur no matter how much preparation has been done beforehand i.e weather related issues preventing outdoor shoots from taking place so always best practice here would be have alternative indoor location already identified just incase such scenarios arise during shoot day( s). Additionally having multiple power sources available helps avoid potential corporate video production delays due power shortages stemming from using too many lights etc.. at same time while capturing footage outdoors especially if shooting scheduled over long period hours without access to electricity nearby!

3) Make Sure You Have All Necessary Waivers & Releases Signed - Before starting shoot day(s), make sure both talent (actors playing roles in scene )and crew members sign necessary waivers / releases granting permission corporate video production company use footage containing their likenesses or voices within context commercial advertisement campaigns across various media platforms i..e TV commercials/website banners/social media ads etc. Without these releases signed prior start date legal complications can arise down line delaying the entire process even further leading to potential costly delays due copyright infringements depending on jurisdiction laws applicable to the area where the shoot took place .

Post Production After wrapping up principal photography comes the most time consuming part of the whole process: Post Production! During this stage editors take all raw rushes recorded during shoot day(s)and turn them into polished final product ready consumption for the public eye. Here are a few tips to help streamline workflow best practices:

1) Choose Appropriate Editing Software

When selecting a software editing suite, bear mind type job being done. For example, Final Cut Pro X better suited Mac OS systems whereas Adobe Premiere Pro tends to run more smoothly Windows based computers. Additionally, some tasks may require specific plugins only offered by certain programs so research ahead saves headaches later!

2) Plan Out Work Flow Thoroughly Before Starting Project

Since tasks are of large scale nature, breaking down corporate video production tasks into smaller chunks provides a clearer picture of the entire end result while also helping tackle complex problems more manageable pieces rather than tackling them head first without plan action resulting in potential stalling workflow due lack direction/knowledge required to complete the job properly.