Albert de Rippe


Wikipedia: Albert de Rippe (Alberto da Ripa) (c. 1500–1551) was an Italian lutenist and composer. He was born in Mantua and worked there before 1528, when he left for France. There, he joined the court of Francis I. De Rippe was evidently held in great esteem.

His music were published posthumously by his pupil, Guillaume de Morlaye. De Rippe's oeuvre consists of 26 fantasias, 59 intabulations (46 chansons, 10 motets and 3 madrigals) and 10 dances, all for six-course lute, and 2 fantasias for four-course Renaissance guitar.

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Lute music of Albert de Rippe on Spotify

Videos with lute music of Albert de Rippe on Youtube