Luis de Narváez

(fl. 1526–49)

Wikipedia: Luis de Narváez (fl. 1526–49) was a Spanish composer and vihuelist. Highly regarded during his lifetime, Narváez is known today for Los seys libros del delphín, a collection of polyphonic music for the vihuela which includes the earliest known variation sets. He is also notable for being the earliest composer for vihuela to adapt the contemporary Italian style of lute music.

The music reflects the influence of Francesco da Milano, whose works Narváez collected. The third volume of the collection is dedicated exclusively to intabulations of works by other composers: selections from masses by Josquin des Prez, the famous song Mille Regretz

In the same period the renaissance guitar was more

In the spotlight


Lute videos - Youtube

fantasia quatro tono

Volume 5: Ay en el romances y villancicos para tañer y cantar y contrapunctos sobre algunos villancicos

Ya se asienta el rey Ramiro

Paseavase el rey Moro

Si tantos halcones

Y la mi cinta dorada

La bella mal maridada

Con que la lavare

Ay arde coraçon

Volume 6: Ay en el veynte y dos diferencias de Conde claros para discantar y siete diferencias de guardame las vacas, y una baxa de contrapunto

Conde claros

Guardame las vacas

  1. Baxa de contrapunto