Robert Johnson

(1583 – 1633)

Wikipedia: Robert Johnson (1583 – 1633) was an English composer and lutenist of the late Tudor and early Jacobean eras. He is sometimes called "Robert Johnson II" to distinguish him from an earlier Scottish composer. Johnson worked with William Shakespeare providing music for some of his later plays.

Johnson´s surviving compositions for the King's Men theatrical company have been dated to 1610–1617. During these years the King's Men were producing plays by Shakespeare and other playwrights such as Ben Jonson, Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. Johnson's main claim to fame is that he composed the original settings for some of Shakespeare's lyrics, the best-known being probably those from The Tempest: "Where the Bee Sucks" and "Full Fathom Five".

Videos of Robert Johnson on youtube for solo lute


Videos of Robert Johnson on youtube for lute and voice