Hans judenkonig

(1450 - 1526)

Wikipedia: Hans Judenkönig (also Judenkunig or Judenkünig) (1450 – 1526) was a German lutenist of the Renaissance. He was born in Schwäbisch Gmünd and died in Vienna. He worked as a lutenist in the vicinity of the University of Vienna and was best known for his two lute books written for the self-teaching of a lay audience.

  • Utilis et compendiaria introductio, qua ut fundamento iacto quam facillime musicum exercitium, instrumentorum et lutine, et quod vulgo Geygen nominant, addiscitur Wien 1523[1]
  • Ain schone kunstliche Underweisung in disem Büechlein, leychtlich zu begreyffen den rechten Grund zu lernen auff der Lautten und Geygen Wien 1523


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Lute videos

Christ is Erstanden

Nerrisch don is mein munier

Weyplich art

Mag ich ungluck nit widerston