Francois de Chancy


Wikipedia: François de Chancy (1600–1656) was a French singer lutenist and composer. He was an aster of music for Cardinal Richelieu in 1631, master of chamber music (1635) and was chamber musicians of the King's Chapel (1649).

He was noted in following publications:

  • Tablature de mandore (pub. 1629) in Paris with Ballard
  • 12 lute pieces in Tablature de luth de différents auteurs sur des accords nouveaux, (pub. 1631)
  • Two books of Airs de cour à 4 parties (pub. 1635, 1644), the 1st and 2nd Livre d'Équivoques (pub. 1640, 1647) and 3rd, 4th and 5th Livre de chansons (pub. 1649, 1651, 1655).
  • The other airs and tablatures are included in books of Chansons pour danser et pour boire (Paris: Ballard, 1660) and of Mss. M. Mersenne, in L'Harmonie universelle, in two German books (tablature for lute and tablature for mandore).
