I'm a computational physicist.

My research interests include Image processing, Deep learning, Micromagentics and Density functional theory.


PhD Candidate [2021-2024]

University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.

I have been offered a doctoral researcher position in Prof. Hannes Jónsson's group at the Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Iceland.

Integrated Master's in Physics [2016-2021]

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research - Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.

I have completed a five-year Integrated-Master's programme (also referred to as the BSMS-Dual degree programme) from IISER-Thiruvananthapuram with a major in physics and a minor in chemistry. My master's thesis was on utilizing Haar cascades and Convolutional Neural Networks to detect and analyze hexagonal structures in optical microscope images.

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Codes and packages I've used

Programming Languages I know