What's it worth? The Full Anomic Value Guide.

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What's it Worth? The Full Anomic Value Guide

Written by Tom_Toodle

The most recent guide on the Anomic Economy. With traditional value guides, charts, rankings, and all the goodies provided below.

Published 3/29/2024

16 minute read

Sources used are listed at the bottom of the page.


Book begins below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

            What is the Anomic Economy

The Anomic Economy, is built up of transactions and values. It's most prominent feature is the Event sales. Which are limited time cars or items that start at a respectable value like any regular car, but after being taken off-sale, a small amount of players have access to it. So, with the demand increasing, sellers will raise their profits. This is where prices can go 30x their original price. So, many value guides have been created to keep track, and help regulate the economy. Mostly so people do not severly underweigh or overweigh their items worth. The same goes for non-event cars with "Funny" liscene plates. However, due to only one person having this plate, its impossible to measure it's worth.

                                                       What's it worth? 

The following value guide was made by finding the average vouched sales cost of each event item/car. This would come from a pool of 351 vouched transactions, amassing to a grand total of $35,056,000 anomic cash. This would lead to a mathematically correct, and exact worth of these items/car.

                             I want every item! How much does it cost?

Using the data from the Value guide, presuming you started with 0 event cars or items. Would cost a whopping $1,791,000 Anomic Cash. However this is using data from the exact worth, throughout research there were many people for many items, that were vouched traders selling items for about 25% off. So, if you play your cards correctly, this could be a cheaper process, but would take a lot more digging. The Market is moving up, so item and car will eventually get more expensive, so starting on this collection sooner rather than later, would also affect the price.

                                            Below are two graphs comparing the prices of each item specifically.

                            Information on each event car/item

Below is a list of each event car/item going from cheapest to greatest value. It will discuss the general information surrounding the item, its worth, and other fun facts.       

Santa Hat (Christmas Hat)  | 19,000

The Santa hat was the first ever armor event item. The Santa hat is mostly just for cosmetic purposes. It was added in the Christmas 2023 update. It currently has a worth of 19,000, making it the cheapest event item. The current demand for the Santa hat is quite low due to the amount of people who bought it in mass before the closure of the update. The recommendation for people trying to sell the Santa Hat is to hold onto it until prices increase, then sell it.

OG Medkit | 26,000

The OG Medkit, also known as Green Medkit or Medikit is not an event item but a off-sale item. It was taken out of the paramedic shop in July of 2023. Which means, that you can lose it like any regular item. Its only function is to heal other players, unlike the current Medkit where you can heal yourself and other players. This item now goes for 26,000. Sellers should get rid of this item, as the value has consistently dropped.

MP | 32,000

The MP was a gunsmith item, that left the shop in December of 2020. But, like the OG Medkit, it can be lost easily. For the longest time, the MP was an extremely rare item. However, due to duplication hacks becoming more widespread the MP's value tanked. It has a worth of 32,000, but it will continue to go lower and lower, so sellers should close a deal before this happens.

Snow Plow Truck| 38,000

The Snow Plow truck was added in the Christmas 2023 update. It comes with working lights on the top of the truck, a plow in the front, and snow-ridden tires. It was used in order to get the dice prop, and the snow globe prop. It could do this during the Christmas update as snow was added. The Snowplow truck has a value of 38,000, making it the cheapest event car. However, once the Christmas update is out of sight, then for its unique features it can be predicted it's value will majorly increase. So, people who have obtained this snow monster, should hold onto it.

New Beginnings Firework Kit | 39,000

This item was added during the 2024 New Year New Caliber or NYNC event. This is the second firework kit, with the Patriotic Firework kit one being the first one created. These fireworks could be launched using the Patriotic Truck, The Grand Plan Sedan, or the Firework box prop. These fireworks have a value of 39,000. While the demand is fairly low, as it becomes rarer it will become more expensive. So storing is the best option for sellers. However, the price changes will most likley not be drastic, so if you need quick cash, this is the perfect thing to sell.

Al-Right Van| 40,000

The Al-right van was added in the Christmas 2023 update. It is a play on the OH-KAY plumbing and heating van that was used in the movie | Home Alone. This item has 3 storage slots, so it is good for transporting crates. It has a current worth of 40,000. The best course of action is to store this one, as many fans of the Home Alone franchise may appear in the future, raising the price. So storing this one is a good idea.

PWFC VHS Tape| 41,000

Added in the Christmas 2023 update, it is based off the film that Kevin watches in Home Alone 1. It is a fully animated about 30 second film that can be played on any of the TV's. It is the perfect decoration to have in the background of your Anomic plot. It has a worth of 41,000. It should 100% be kept onto, because it is a very interesting and innovative item that's price has drastically increased and it seems to be innevidable that it will continue on that pace.

Hearse| 52,000

The Hearse was added in the Halloween 2023 update. It is a funeral car with a coffin in the back. Perfect for the spooky theme of Halloween. This car has a value of 52,000. However, this is usually a difficult car to sell due to low demand. So, it is likley that the price will slowly increase, so either selling now or storing is a good idea.

Blood Moon Roadster| 56,000

The Blood Moon roadster, added in the 2023 Halloween update, is a model of the original roadster, painted orange and showcasing two pumpkins on the hood of the car. It is similar to the Hearse in price with it being worth 56,000, however the demand is much higher for this car due to the Roadster being remodled. So, keeping this item to sell once prices increase would be the best course of action.

Blood Moon VHS tape | 57,000

The Blood Moon VHS tape was added in the 2023 Halloween update. It is a simple animation of Bonfire walking with the Blood Moon showcased in the backround. It has a value of 57,000. However the demand will most likley decrease, along with possibly its price due to the PWFC being much more detailed and preffered. Selling this item would be the best course of action.

Grand Plan Sedan | 63,000

The Grand Plan Sedan, while being in the 2023 Christmas / New Years update, has soared past its other counterparts due to it having fireworks able to be shot out of the trunk, and players can sit in it's trunk. It has a current value of 63,000. But it will surley increase due to these unique features. So, keeping the Grand Plan Sedan and waiting for price increase is a great decision.

Patriotic Firework Kit | 65,000

Also known as the 2023 firework kit, this item was added in the 2023 4th of July update. It is the first firework kit and could be shot out of the back of the Patriotic Pickup. It has a current value of 65,000. Its demand is fairly low due to the New Beginnings Firework Kit being a cheaper alternative. However, the price will most likley increase so keeping would be the best idea.

Patriotic Truck | 80,000

The Patriotic Truck was added in the 2023 4th of July Update. it is a pickup truck with the American Flag decaled on it, as well as two firework boxes in the back that can be shot out. It has a very high acceleration, which helps its worth of 80,000. The price will certainly increase as it gets rarer, and many Americans like having a pickup of the flag. So, keeping this one for a further date to sell is preffered.

Bunny Bus| 113,000

The Bunny Bus, added in the Easter 2023 update is by far the biggest event car. With alot of seating, this car is preffered by gangs or transportation companies. It has one of the highest demands out of any car in the game, however, its price of 113,000 has been incredibly static and no-real increase has been made. So, either selling or storing would be a good idea.

Christmas Hatch | 163,000

One of the surprising finds in the data collected for this list, is the significantly low price of the Christmas Hatch. It does not have the same worth as the other 2022 Christmas cars as it has a worth of 163,000. This is mostly due to the very dynamic pricing of the item. It was added in the Christmas update of 2022 and is a hatchback with a Christmas tree on-top. While having a weird value, the demand is fairly decent and the price will definitley increase, so keeping this one would be advised.

Hippie Van | 178,000

Added in the Valentines Day update of 2023, the Hippie Van is a retextured and remodeled version of the Family Van, with Hippie Symbols on the sides. The Hippie Van has a high demand, resulting in its 178,000 valuation. The price of this car will 100% increase, as both of the Valentines Day update cars are cherished heavily. So, event entreprenuers should hold onto this car for as long as they can.

Reindeer Van | 180,000

The Reindeer Van was added in the Christmas update of 2022. It is a remodeled Family van with Reindeer Antlers, Ears, and a big red nose. Its most prominent feature is playing "Jingle Bells" once the driver enters. Due to its "Cute" nature and cool features. The Reindeer Van has one of the highest demands. The prices have flown sky high along with it, so, unless there is a large shift in the market, the Reindeer Van is a keeper.

Winter Wagon | 181,000

The Winter Wagon is a remodeled Wagon with luggage on-top. It was added in the Christmas Update of 2022. It has snow-ridden tires, and is good casual car. It has a decent demand and its prices have continued to be up there with the other Christmas 2022 update cars, as it has a worth of 181,000.  This is another car that should be continued to keep.

Cute Coupe| 182,000

The Cute coupe, added in the 2023 Valentines Day Update has by far the highest demand out of any car. With them selling extremely easily. This is for many reasons, Its pink color, its similarities to the Barbie car, its Teddy Bear items, and its great speed. This car goes for 182,000, however when worked around it could be sold in that 190,000 margin. This car should be stored, however if you wanted to sell it for about 170,000 it would be gone instantly.

Ski Van | 186,000

The car that takes the cake for most expensive is the Ski Van. Added in the 2022 Christmas update, it has a decent demand. This is most likely due to its Snow-ridden tires, Ski Rack, and other things. This car is perfect for the wintertime. This car also had the biggest transaction seen during research with a 220,000 dollar sale. It is also a rare item, with seeing a Ski Van being a rare occasion. This car will continue to grow from its 186,000 price tag, but if sold will have a great payout.

            List Takeaways

-Prices can be impacted by a multitude of factors

-Updates, Looks, Duplication Glitches, Speed

-The Most Expensive car is the Ski Van with a 186,000 dollar worth

-The Highest Demand car is the Cute Coupe

-The most inexpensive event item is the Santa Hat

-Most Expensive Update is Christmas 2022

                   Two Charts Comparing Prices by Update (New Years and Christmas 2022 combined)

                                                How do I make this money?

Event cars can get really expensive, so alot of money is needed. Check out How to Make Money in Anomic for a guide on many different ways to achieve riches.


The personalized economy that Anomic has is unlike any other Roblox game. Relying on solely the players to figure it out. This guide is mean to help you do just that. The Economy is 100% going to change from time to time and that is unavoidable. So, all players need to move along with it. I wish you luck, and go make some money.


-Data collected from the Anomic Marketplace vouches channel

-Many pictures taken from the Anomic Wiki (ty)

-Anomic itself