How to Make Money in Anomic

How to Make Money in Anomic

Written by fatmuscle12 | Cover by Tom_Toodle

This book covers the easy, the weird, the hard, and most practical ways of making money in Anomic.

Published 3/27/2024

7 minute read

Sources used are listed at the bottom of the page.

⬅️Audiobook will be made

Book begins below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

                        How to Make Money in Anomic

In Anomic there are several ways to make money ranging from selling to scamming, and in this book I will be covering most if not all ways to make money.

                         Chapter 1: Normal Ways of Making Money

If you become a role in Anomic, every 5 minutes you will get a set amount of cash. If you have roles such as paramedic, crafter, gunsmith, advanced gunsmith, car dealer, and advanced car dealer there are things in the team shop that you can buy to sell to other people. 


You can also make money from doing things for other people or making shops and businesses like a casino, bar, gun store, building business, and etc.

Also, you can make money by doing the safe seven job. You deliver money to ATMs around the map in a time limit. Every time you finish the job within the time limit you get about $10000. Also, the safe seven truck can be robbed, so you have to defend the truck as well.

The final way to make money in this chapter is selling event items. They usually go for more than $100,000, and many people want them. Also, don’t get removed items mistaken with event items. The MP and OG Medkit were removed items, but are not events. Also, event items can’t be lost unless sold. Removed items can be lost if you're holding them when dying, or when it’s not in your inventory.

                           Chapter 2: Criminal Ways of Making Money

Usually in Anomic, you’ll see people scamming and killing people, but do you know what it’s for? Well, it's for fun and sometimes, money. An easy way to earn money from killing people is shooting people with their guns out, so you can collect their guns and sell them for profit. 

Another way to make money is printing it. There are two types of printers, a simple printer and a hardwired printer. You can only buy 5 printers at a time. A simple printer costs $400 and generates $1000 in 5 minutes. A hotwired printer costs $2000 and generates $4000 in 10 minutes.

There are many ways to scam people such as stealing MPs and money scams. One way to steal MPs or OG Medkits are setting up a shop that has a sign outside that says you’ll buy an OG Medkit or MP for an absurd price, and once someone comes into your shop, you make a box around them to “protect them” from being killed by other people. Then, when the person takes out their MP to sell it to you, delete the glass dividing you and the person and shoot them. This method also works with OG Medkits. Another way to scam people is repeatedly selling someone an expensive item (not a removed or event item) for a really low price, but before the person is able to press accept, store the item. Do it a couple of times, and then sell it for $100,000. The next method includes making a shop. Outside, put a sign that says you have vouches, and that you're not going to go first when someone sells an event item to you. People won’t bother to ask for the vouches, and will sell the event items to you. After they sell it, don’t give the remaining amount of money after. Then, switch servers, so the person you scammed doesn’t ruin your reputation in that server. The last way to scam someone is buying a box of hypercars, and placing it down. You will ask a random person to blow up one hypercar, and also say that you’ll pay them back in damages. Once they explode it, don’t pay them back, and you’ll get more money then you’ve paid for the crate of hypercars.

Another way to make money is robbing the bank. In the basement of the bank there is a vault that needs to be lockpicked, and in the vault, there are 4 small rooms with money inside. You need to drill the doors of the 4 rooms. A similar way is robbing the safe seven truck. The safe seven truck goes around the map delivering money to ATMs. You have to drill the back door of the safe seven truck and kill the safe seven driver to get the money.

The last way in this chapter to make money is lockpicking other people’s printers. You can get a lot of money from this if you find printer bases and printer banks.

                             Chapter 3: Weird Ways of Making Money

There are many weird ways to make money such as exploding cars and spawning in more printers than the normal limit. The first weird way to make money is exploding any car. First you want to get your main and alt account on a private or public server. Then, make your main account buy a crate of any car, and use your alt to explode them. This method isn’t that good because your alt account will be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.

The next way to make money is spawning in more than 5 printers. First, get your alt and main account into a public server because you can’t spawn printers in private servers. Claim a plot with your alt, and make it secure so no one can break it. Then, spawn in 5 printers, and put them on the plot. After that, leave and rejoin with your main account and spawn in another 5 printers and put them on the plot. Then, repeat it as many times as you want, and once you're done go inside and claim all the money from the printers. Remember to unlock the printers when you put them on the plot, so you don’t need to lockpick them all later.

                      Chapter 4: Making Money From Event Quests

In Anomic, there are events where you can buy limited event items and do quests for limited building props. This year (2024), the St. Patrick’s Day event had a quest where you filled 3 vials on top of apartments in Eastdike, Pahrump, and Arway with green water. Then a rainbow would appear somewhere on the map with pots of gold at the end of the rainbow. You can only claim one pot of gold, and it gives you $5000 when you claim it.

In the future there might be more event quests where you can earn money, but for now this is the only one.



Those were all the ways I thought of to make money. If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I might write some more books in the future.



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