The Phester Dam Disaster | Why ROP must act

The Phester Dam Disaster | Why ROP must act

Written by Tom_Toodle

A detailed explanation on the Phester Dam / SPARTA war and why the Republic of Pahrump must take action to prevent destruction.

Published 3/27/2024

3 minute read

Sources used are listed at the bottom of the page.

Book begins below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

            The Current Situation

On March 27th, 2024. The clan and want to be government, SPARTA declared war on the Republic of Phester Dam, a respected and formal nation that is a member of the Anomic United Nations. SPARTA, has 340 members, however there are only about 50 that have actually signed up for military duties through their Roblox group. Phester Dam has 48 citizens with about 10 being fighters. The terms of the war are in the case of a SPARTA victory, they would keep Phester Dam, while if the Phester Dam Republic won, then they would keep their land as well as most-likely being compensated. The date for the battle of the Dam is March 30th, at 4 PM EST.

                   Why the Republic of Pahrump must intervene

The chances for a Phester Dam victory are incredibly slim, with SPARTA having many more experienced fighters. So, the Republic of Pahrump must step into help. While this seems like a horrible idea, creating enemies with this faction, if SPARTA were to win, there is no doubt that it would try to expand into more and more U.N member states. This would paint the U.N as weak to governments to citizens. So, less and less people would wish to join. This would lead to SPARTA taking the position of leader on the worlds stage rather than ROP, which could without a doubt lead to the eventual invasion of the Republic of Pahrump. However, at this moment the Republic of Pahrump has many, many experienced fighters who could without a doubt kick out the growing SPARTA. Plus, they could have the United Republic of Eastdike as well as other governments fight with them. If ROP acts now by kicking the Spartans out of Phester Dam, then they will prevent further attacks and expansion. Even if this is a failure, and the Spartans win anyways, the United Nations, while not being a military alliance, would be seen as a powerful peacekeeping force that is willing to lend a helping hand to its members. Either way, if ROP were to rally its military and support the Phester Dam soldiers, then it would lead to the greater good of itself and the United Nations as a whole. Even if the actions are diplomatic, trying to find a peaceful negotiation between the two nations is KEY for preventing a bloody future. If SPARTA continues the grow and is not put in its place, then the future is uncertain.


-Flags of Respective Governments