The Anomic United Nations for Dummies

The Anomic United Nations for Dummies

Written by Tom_Toodle

An easy to take in and short explanation of the Anomic United Nations.

Published 3/25/2024

3 minute read

Sources used are listed at the bottom of the page.

Book begins below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

What in the world is the United Nations?

Well, putting it simply the Anomic United Nations, mostly referred to as the U.N.  Is a counterpart to the real life United Nations. The United Nations is like a team, that tries to work together to reach certain goals. But, instead of individual players, the United Nations is made up of hundreds of Anomic Players. However, they are represented usually by the leader and/or someone hired to do the job for them.

                                 Who is in the United Nations?

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last couple months, there has been a recent surge of Anomic countries or governments. This breaks the usual individualism, or just being by yourself nature of Anomic. So, inside of the United Nations there are smaller teams, or these governments. Below are the current members.

Republic of Pahrump (ROP)

Democratic Republic of Okby (DRO)

Free State of Arway (FSA)

Eastdike United Republic (EUR)

Republic of Phester Dam (RPD)

Workers State of Arway (WSA)

                                                What is the U.N's goal?

Not a ton has been uncovered about the doings of this alliance. But it is assumed that they attend meetings and talk about affairs. The overarching goal seems to be expansion and popularization for each of its members. ROP is the founding member, so it is usually seen as the leader in each of these sessions. If you are a member of one of these states, it is also easier to access the other countries, and hopefully there will be joint sessions in the future. The U.N has not been around for long, so as was stated, not much more is known. Here is a map of the governments and their land.

For more information on individual governments, rather than the U.N, check out Anomic Governmental Map Guide



-superspencerleun1 for the map