Anomic Governmental Map Guide

Map Guide Audiobook.mp3

Anomic Governmental Map Guide

Written by Tom_Toodle | Help from superspencerleun1

This book covers the most prevalent Anomic nations, their location, leaders, and some other small information.

Published 3/24/2024

6 minute read

Sources used are listed at the bottom of the page.

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Book begins below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

                                                                Map of Anomic

                              Anomic Governments

                                              The Republic of Pahrump

The Republic of Pahrump, located on the left side of the Anomic map (ROP), contains the area of Pahrump., Eaphis Plateau, Ulmouth Lake, with contested land near the towing company. As of March 24th, 2024 it has a population of 318 people. It is led by its president, ktotoneponyatniy, but usually referred to a Ktoto. He is a very influential figure inside and outside of the Republic of Pahrump (ROP). ROP is by far the largest and most populated Anomic government with it taking up about 25% of the map and about 50% of the people inside a governments population. Its ideology is a democratic republic, however there are no elections. Its main conflicts have been with in-game threats like government, the Turkish Mafia, and many different Pahrump groups like The Pahrump Federation and The Province of Pahrump. ROP is also the leader of the United Nations.

                                                           Workers State of Arway

The Workers State of Arway (WSA), located in Northern Arway, or Arway in general, as well as Outlook usually takes the 3 spot on most powerful. With a population of 74 as of 3/24/2024, they are a growing, but fairly inactive community. This does seem to be changing, with their ruler, Chairman bingybing7 taking a break leading for more active commanders like "Joe" to try and create sessions. Also, its membership to the ROP based United Nations, which has the plan to create popularity and stability for all its members will likely be a great membership for them. However, it has a unique ideoligy of a Communist Dictatorship which could draw some people away. But, for some HR positions, there are free and fair elections, which is a massive push in the fight for democracy in Anomic. But, only time can tell if the democratic basis will further expand or be shut down.

                                                            Free State of Arway

The Free State of Arway (FSOA), which has good relations with the Workers State, has a population of 40 people of March 24, 2024. Making it one of the smaller nations that hasn't really taken the big step towards events. However, its leader Cactus Pines, is an experienced member of ROP looking to create his own country. The ideology of this state, seems to be democratic, but there haven't been any elections, nor does it seem probable there will be any for the leadership spot.  With its leader, it is possible that the Free State of Arway could become a major player in the very near future.

                              Eastdike United Republic

The Eastdike United Republic, inhabits Eastdike and the forest areas of the map. It is considered 2nd place in strength. Also, it is usually seen as the most free country with almost all higher-up positions, besides for the President being elected by the people of the country. The current President is clearly_dizz. Who, as president has grown the Eastdike United Republic from 0 to 117 members. He has also created a bond with ROP by joining the United Nations. The Eastdike United Republic also has a fairly organized military and structure. Each of these factors makes The Eastdike United Republic a major player in Anomic government.

                                              Democratic Republic of Okby

The Democratic Republic of Okby, inhabits the city of Okby Steppe and a very small portion of Eastdike. This republic is owned by their Governor, DesiredRats. It is the smallest country on the map, but due to the leaders relations with the Republic of Pahrump as well as The Democratic Republic of Okby being a U.N member, it has managed to gain a fair amount of recognition. There has yet to be an independent session, nor is there enough information of discover the ideology of this country. The population as of 3/24/2024 is 36.

                                              Republic of Phester Dam

The Republic of Phester Dam (RPD), has a fairly dedicated leader, MoniSte11. It is located, in the Phester Dam and lower Okby Areas. It has garnered a population of 41 as of 3/24/2024. However, not too much information is disclosed about this Republic. As it has only had a couple sessions before being put into inactivity. It also has not yet set up relations with other countries besides for the Workers State of Arway.

                                Anomic Landmarks and Areas

Anomic is home to many distinguished landmarks and areas that are great tourist spots. Either for newcomer players or people who need a guide of where they are going. The following are the top 3 places to hang out with freinds or solo.

Ullmouth Lake

Located to the right of the city of Pahrump. UIlmouth lake is the perfect spot to take a dip and swim. With a nice dock, perfect space to get some peace and quiet, especially during roudy Republic of Pahrump Sessions.

Phester Dam

Located in the Phester Dam Republic, Phester Dam is a great spot for a view of the Anomic map. Also, if you get the right angle, you can jump into the Phester River. During the cold season, this river is a perfect spot for ice-skating, or in Anomic, just moving with weird physics.

Metropolitan Arway

Considered the Capitol of Anomic, Arway is the main city, where in regular public servers there will be flourishing business and conversation. However, this is also one of the most violent areas in all of Roblox, with endless raids and gunfight. But, you may find nice builds, nice stores, and even party areas and clubs made by players to hang out in. 


-superspencerleun1 for the map

-Anomic Wiki

-Respective Anomic Countries