History of The Republic of Phester Dam

History of the Republic of Phester Dam

Written by MoniSte11

A full in-depth history of the young Republic of Phester Dam.

Published 4/2/2024

4 minute read

Book begins below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

The Republic of Phester Dam (RPD) was created on 24 of February, 2024.

One day after the founding of the RPD, the would get their First ally, the Democratic Republic of Okby. The Republic had peace until third of march 2024 when (SVL) state of VandijaLIVE, declared war on Phester Dam. Jowever the the war never commensed due RPD and SVL's leaders making a deal . The deal was that the three plots in Phester Dam would be split, with SVL getting one and RPD get two. On 03.04.2024, RPD bought the motel in Arway from The Workers State of Arway (WSA). Two days later, the Free State of Arway (FOSA) was created, and bought half of Arway.

However, the Free State of Arway wanted to take over the Motel. So, in response the Three Star Alliance was born on the 6th of March 2024. Containing the WSA, SVL, and RPD. This alliance would declare war on the Free State of Arway. However FSOA can’t fight alone so they called Sparta so 

and WSA gives the money back for the motel  to RPD. On 03.12.2024,  After some talking with other major factions RPD joined the United Nations. Consisting of ROP, DRO, RPD, WSA, EUR, this was a great achievement for the RPD, as it welcomed new ideas and allies. On 25.03.2024, Sparta Declared war on RPD. However RPD can’t fight alone with sparta, so RPD rallied allies, these being the Gheto barbies, Turkish Mafia, Midnight Mafia, e4, e4 and the Pahrump Federation. However the United Nations would not help RPD officially, but rather sent volunteers. However, RPD lost the war becaused they filled the server and Sparta only got 10 people so Sparta took RPD to the War court under Judge Pablo and sparta wins the war. That means Sparta got Phester dam. One day later RPD was kicked from the United Nations .After RPD lost the war, they bought Las Hogueras from EUR for 300k and Towing Company from ROP for 150k. Since only SPARTA and RPD aren’t in the United Nations, Sparta offers to RPD ally and they accept. A few day later, RPD got raided and half of their members were kicked from their Discord server.

After the Raid RPD began looking for members and soldiers. Which brings us to present day

RPD Server: https://discord.gg/P5nFqnKR