Anomalous Mathematical Patterns Sci-Art Contest
Held between December 4th 2024 – 31st March 2025 at the Isaac Newton Institute (INI), UK, in
connection to the "Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion" research program.
Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Sci-Art Competition
Welcome, artists!
We look forward to reviewing your artwork for the sci-art contest "Anomalous Mathematical Patterns" to be held between December 4th 2024 00:01 GMT – 31st March 2025 23:59 GMT at the Isaac Newton Institute (INI), UK, in connection to the "Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion" research program.
The goals of the contest are to:
showcase the interplay of mathematics (in particular of probability theory) and art in the modern world;
explore the different ways in which artists and mathematicians approach mathematical concepts;
find ways to communicate research in mathematics to as wide an audience as possible;
inspire new generations towards mathematical education and training;
potentially spark collaborations among and between mathematicians and artists.
Some potential mathematical themes that could be explored are: (ir)regularity and anomaly of mathematical patterns, interacting particle systems, fluid and gas dynamics, random networks, reflecting processes, interacting random walks and their geometry, diffusive processes, kinetic art. Have a look at this page for a more detailed description and for links to relevant articles that help to explain some of the central concepts connected to potential mathematical themes for the contest.
There will be three competition categories:
Photograph, painting, film, print, animation;
Textile, sculpture or other medium (such as 3D printing, laser cutting, CNC routing);
AI and computer-generated art, which maybe also contains digitally or otherwise enhanced or altered photos.
The judges reserve the right to change the category for a submission after entry.
To highlight the originality, the underlying mathematical inspiration and content of the work, each submission should be accompanied by an explanation of the mathematical significance of the work, which can be in free text or oral form, or in some other suitable format. This explanation is meant not only for the judges, but also for the general public, to highlight the mathematical content of the work, and it should be no more than 200 words.
The submitted work can be in the form of photographs in digital form, or in other formats adapted for presentation in a mainstream art gallery.
Up to 3 submissions per artist will be allowed. A submission can include more than one photo, or more than one artefact.
There will be 11 cash awards, of which 9 will be picked by a panel of judges, 1 will be picked by an online vote on the competition website, and 1 will be picked by the participants at the "Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion" research programme.
The judges will select 10 finalists per category. There will be the following awards:
£750 award for the best photograph, painting or print, £750 for the best textile, sculpture or other medium, and £750 for the best AI and computer-generated art.
There will also be one £300 runner up award and one £150 honourable mention award in each of the three categories.
Furthermore, a public vote on the contest website will select from all submissions an additional £750 award for the People’s Choice Prize artwork.
Finally, there will be a £500 Programme Participants’ Choice Award, voted by the participants at the “Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion“ research program from a choice of all the 30 finalists.
The 30 finalists will be notified of their status and will appear on the website in April 2025. At that time, the public will be able to vote on our website for the People’s Choice Prize from among all the submissions. We will also create a public discussion forum accessible to all.
Additionally, the participants at the program will be able to vote till the end of May 2025 for the Participants’ Choice Award. The winner of the People’s Choice Prize, the category winners and the Participants’ Choice Award will be revealed online at the end of May 2025.
The review criteria include:
The art and its description should be an interpretation of the title of the contest "Anomalous Mathematical Patterns", and they must be connected to the mathematical themes as described on the "Stochastic systems for anomalous diffusion" programme website.
Originality (Pushing the theme of Anomalous Mathematical Patterns in new directions.)
Aesthetic appeal.
The panel is particularly interested in art that affects a transformation in the eye of the viewer in translating or communicating the mathematical subject that they portray, and in conveying the deep structure and beauty of mathematics to the general public.
There will be one cash prize per person; winners may receive additional non-cash prizes. The judges will determine winners’ eligibility in their sole discretion.
The deadline for submission is 31st March 2025 23:59 GMT. To be eligible for any category, a work must have been produced by the entrant not before May 31st 2024, and not after March 31st 2025. After the entry has been submitted using the form below, the entrant will get confirmation by email by April 15th 2025.
The finalist entries may be exhibited in the UCL Cloisters, following the competition and throughout the Isaac Newton Institute building, Cambridge. Additionally, following the competition, the winners’ work may be exhibited in various museums in the UK and elsewhere in Europe.
We are planning to make a video of the online contest and of the activities leading up to the winners, and the ensuing exhibitions.
The Organisers may select photos of artwork for highlight on the contest website or display in a publicly accessible contest archive. Additionally, some physically shipped artwork may be displayed at the Isaac Newton Institute. Such selections will be made in the Organisers’ sole discretion, though the artists can opt out from their work being highlighted or exhibited, at the time of their entering the contest.
See the Rules page for the contest rules.
For any queries, please email