Sculpture and Paper Mache

Simple Ideas for Paper Mache

Paper Mache part 2

Paper Mache

Sculpture Center

Attachment Test

In order to use the scuplture center you must attached  3 items together without glue & tape

Architecture Center

Sculpture Artists

Cardboard House

Marble Run

Make your own Marble Run. A marble run is like a race track for marbles!

Kids Art/STEAM Activity

You will need:

Marble or small ball, Scissors, Strong Tape, Cereal Box, Tubes or other fun additions of your choice.

Robot Design

This week we will be designing a robot!

You will need: Thin Cardboard (like a cereal box), Adhesive (Hot glue, tape, glue stick), Scissors, Something to color with, + anything else you want to add.

Make a Clay Dreidel

Dreidel is a traditional game played on Hannukah. To play you need a Dreidel top. This video shows you how to make a simple one. This video is intended for Kinder - 2nd graders.

3D Animal Habitat

An animals habitat is where the animal lives. In this lesson you will create a 3D paper diorama scene for an animal of your choice.

3D Paper Animals

This weeks easy lesson is 3D paper Animals

Clay and Color mixing

This week we will use some of the modeling clay that you recieved in you Art supplies from school. Modeling clay never dries, so we can use it again and again. 

Here are some techniques to use will playing with clay.

Cool Carboard Sculpture Videos

Caine's Arcade

Community made Cardboard

Cardboard Artist Bartek Elsner