Anne Lundgaard Hansen

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I am a financial econometrician at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond in the Quantitative Supervision and Research department. I am interested in questions broadly related to financial stability, both concerning financial market risk and financial intermediation. 

Much of my research focuses on the extraction and interpretation of signals from financial markets particularly on term premia, recession probability, and inflation. In addition, with recent developments in Generative AI, I am interested in understanding the capabilities of these technologies and how they may impact financial markets.


My research agenda also spans financial intermediation, where I apply textual analysis to shed light on how banks are supervised, how the Fed communicates on this responsibility, and how banks communicate with the public during times of distress in the banking sector.

Research interests: Term structure modeling, financial econometrics, banking, and the application of large language models (LLMs).

E-mail address: anne.hansen [at]

Working papers

Does Media Sentiment Influence Bank Supervision?

With David Aldama-Navarrete, Filippo Curti, and Sophia KazinnikVersion: April 4, 2024

Evaluating Local Language Models: An Application to Financial Earnings Calls

With Thomas R. Cook, Sophia Kazinnik, and Peter McAdamVersion: December 19, 2023 

Financial Market Inflation Perceptions

With Marius MihaiVersion: August 28, 2023 

Can ChatGPT Decipher Fedspeak?

With Sophia KazinnikVersion: April 11, 2024Under revisionOnline appendixMedia coverage: Bloomberg, Financial Times, Business Insider, Axios, Washington Post, The Times, LinkedIn News, Fortune 

Time-Varying Variance Decomposition of Macro-Finance Term Structure Models

Version: March 1, 2023 R&R, Journal of Empirical FinanceOnline appendix


Predicting Recessions Using VIX-Yield Curve Cycles

International Journal of Forecasting, Volume 40, Issue 1, January-March 2024, Pages 409-422. Working paperMedia coverage: CME Group blog 

A Joint Model for the Term Structure of Interest Rates and Realized Volatility

Journal of Financial Econometrics, Volume 21, Issue 4, Fall 2023, Pages 1196-1227. paper | Online appendix

Modeling Persistent Interest Rates with Double-Autoregressive Processes

Journal of Banking & Finance, 2021, 133. paper | Online appendix