
MEn - fertility, Fatherhood, and earnings

"Who Becomes a Father? The Rising Importance of Non-Cognitive Ability", joint with Lina Aldén and Marianne Sundström. Also available at SSRN

"Fathers But not Caregivers", joint with Lina Aldén and Malin Tallås Ahlzén. Also available at SSRN.

INCOME Inequality and gender 

Wealth, gender and sexual orientation—evidence from siblings”, joint with Erwan Dujeancourt and Anna Norén, Socio-Economic Review - special issue on Wealth and Gender (2024) 

Women in Top Incomes: Evidence from Sweden 1971-2017”, joint with Kristin Gunnarsson and Jesper Roine, Journal of Public Economics 181 (2020)

Women in the top of the income distribution – What can we learn from LIS-data?” joint with Roman Bobilev and Jesper Roine, Italian Economic Journal  6, 63–107 (2020)

Gendered trends in income inequality”, joint with Kristin Gunnarsson, Nordic Economic Policy Review 2018, 100-127 (2018)

Women in Top Incomes: Evidence from Sweden 1974–2013”, joint with Kristin Gunnarsson and Jesper Roine, IZA working paper 10979 (2017)


Gender, social norms and preferences

"Gender, Risk Preferences and Willingness to Compete in a Random Sample of the Swedish Population" joint with Anna Dreber, Emma von Essen, Astri Muren, and Eva Ranehill, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 83 (2019). 

"Gender and altruims in a random sample" joint with Anna Dreber, Emma von Essen, Astri Muren, and Eva Ranehill, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 77, 72-77 (2018)

"Constructing gender differences in the economics lab", joint with Astri Muren and Mats Persson, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 84, 741–752 (2012)

Gender Differences in Economic Preferences – The Role of Emotions”, joint with Eva Ranehill, in Latu, I.M., Schmid Mast, M., & Kaiser, S. (Eds.). Gender and Emotion : An Interdisciplinary Perspective., 133-153 (2012) Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang

Men among men don’t take norm enforcement seriously”, joint with Astri Muren and Mats Persson, Journal of Socio-Economics 40, 523-529 (2011)

"Is Team Formation Gender Neutral? Evidence from Coauthorship Patterns", joint with Anna Sjögren, Journal of Labor Economics 25:2, 325-365 (2007)

"The Impact of Gender Stereotypes on Economic Growth", The International Working Group on Gender, Macroeconomics and International Economics Working Paper 06:16 (2006)


Fertility and earnings

Trading off or having it all? Completed fertility and mid-career earnings of Swedish men and women”, joint with Christina Håkanson, Anna Sjögren and Åsa Rosen, IFAU Working paper 2011:15


Natural resource course

The resource curse and its potential reversal”, joint with Jan Pettersson och Jesper Roine, World Development 43, 19-41 (2013)

The constitutional channels of the resource curse”, joint with Jan Pettersson och Jesper Roine in The Collegium for Development Studies, Uppsala University and Sida, Meeting global challenges in research cooperation, Utsikt mot Utveckling 32, 435-32 (2009)

"Resource Curse or No Resource Curse: A Question of Appropriability", joint with Jan Pettersson and Jesper Roine, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 109:3, 593–617 (2007)


Political Economy

"Foreign Aid: An Instrument for Fighting Communism?", joint with Anders Olofsgård, Journal of Development Studies 43:4, 622-648 (2007)

"The Political Economy of Industrialisation", European Journal of Political Economy 22:4, 887-907 (2006)



"The social egoist", joint with Astri Muren and Mats Persson, Research Papers in Economics, Department of Economics, Stockholm University. No 2013:14 

"Self-Discipline for a Meaningful Working Life", in Neumaier, O., Schweiger G. and C. Sedmak (eds.), Perspectives on Work, 221-227 (2008), LIT Verlag, Berlin

Learning to lose a leg: Causalities of PhD Economics Training in Stockholm”, joint with Matthew J. Lindquist, Jan Pettersson, and Jesper Roine), Econ Journal Watch 1:2, 369-379 (2004)

Books (in Swedish) 

Genusperspektiv på nationalekonomi (Gender perspective on Economics), joint with Christina Jonung and Inga Persson, Högskoleverket, 2005

Balans på toppen. Incitament för en jämnare representation av kvinnor och män i näringslivets ledning (Balance on the top. Incentives for more gender equality in top management), SNS Förlag, 2004


Reports (in Swedish)

"Den moderna papparollen – ett faderskap i förändring" , joint with Lina Aldén, SNS Analys nr 99 (2023)

"Har privatiseringen gynnat kvinnor i vård- och omsorgsyrken?" (Has workers in the care sector gained from priviatization?), FORES rapportserie om jämställdhet, May 2023.

"Kvinnorna i toppen av den svenska inkomstfördelningen" (Women in the top of the Swedish income distribution), joint with Kristin Gunnarsson and Jesper Roine, SNS Analys nr 48 (2018) 

Olika kön, olika lön – en ESO-rapport om diskriminering på arbetsmarknaden” (Do wages vary by gender?), ESO (Expert Group on Public Economics) report 2017:5 (2017) 

"Regeringen och den ekonomiska jämställdheten: En granskning av budgetens bilagor om fördelningen av ekonomiska resurser mellan kvinnor och män 1989-2016" (The Swedish government and economic gender equality), Rapport till Finanspolitiska rådet 2016/2 (Swedish Fiscal Policy Council) (2016)

Inkomster mitt i karriären” (Mid-career incomes) joint with Christina Håkansson and Anna Sjögren, in Astrid Kunze and Karin Thorburn (ed.), Yrke, karriär och lön -kvinnors och mäns olika villkor på den svenska arbetsmarknaden, SOU 2014:81, 105-133 (2014) 

Den europeiska tillväxtdebatten (The European debate about economic growth), joint with Rickard Eriksson, SIEPS report 2005:11

"Genusspecifika utbildningsval och ekonomisk utveckling" (Gender-specific educational choices and economic development), in SOU 2004:43, Den könsuppdelade arbetsmarknaden, Bilaga 8, 393-419