
Clifton StrengthsFinder - Top Five Strengths

As a part of several classes, we have been encouraged to take the Clifton StrengthsFinder test. What's unique about this test is that it encourages you to focus on growing your strengths instead of focusing on your weaknesses. Below is an evaluation of my Top Five Strengths and how I use them on a daily basis!


My top skill according to the StrengthFinders test was Achiever, which means I work hard and accomplish tasks when I'm given them. When given a task, I will work until I get it done and not only will I just complete the task, I strive to go above and beyond in everything I do. 


In my opinion, Developer is the skill that's most relevant in my life. Being a Developer means I value others and often times place the needs of others above my own. I always make an effort to make others know they're appreciated and nothing makes me happier than when I can help someone else accomplish something. 


In all of my experiences, I have been given countless responsibilities and I take none of them lightly. I am known for taking initiative and volunteer to do things before I'm asked to do them. I've proven that people can trust me to accomplish tasks and see projects through to the very end. 


I love being the positive person in the room! I've learned how to maintain an upbeat personality even during stressful times and I'm known for always having an encouraging word to share with others when they need it most. 


Arrangers are known for being flexible, organized and often for taking the lead in group settings. We know how to take everyone's strengths and combine them to make the "dream team!" Additionally after completing projects, Arrangers take the time to evaluate their performance and take note on what could've been done better or how we can improve for next time.

Click here for a video of my StrengthFinders evaluation!
