Instructional Materials

Sample of Instructional Videos

Sample of Lesson Plans

Eng - Sample Lesson Plan 7 - Variables on Both Sides Equations & Intro to No Solution.docx
Eng - Sample Lesson Plan 14 - Simplify/Evaluate and Zeroth Power.docx

Sample of Lesson Presentation Slides and Pear Decks

Sample Equations_part 8
Sample Exponents_part 5

Sample of Homework Assignments

Sample Homework_10_19_10_20
Sample Homework_11_18_11_19

Sample of Supports for Diverse Learners


Sample of Student Work (Pear Deck)

Sample of Student Work (Homework)

Sample of Grading Rubrics

Sample of Student Feedback

CAP Student Feedback Survey: Grades 6-12 (Responses)

Sample of Parent Resources

Sample of Assessment Checks

Anna Eng

WPI Teacher Preparation Program