Welcome to my Teaching Practicum e-portfolio!

From August to December 2020, I completed a fifteen-week long student teaching experience at Forest Grove Middle School, in Worcester, Massachusetts. I worked towards earning my Massachusetts's Initial Teaching License in middle school mathematics by demonstrating proficiency in the seven essential elements of CAP. These elements include Subject Matter Knowledge, Well-Structured Units and Lessons, Adjustments to Practice, Meeting Diverse Needs, Safe Learning Environment, High Expectations, and Reflective Practice. I include lesson plans, presentations, videos, homework assignments, assessments, and student feedback to show my growth in these elements and support my development as an educator. Additionally, I reflect on my growth in the seven elements, the classes I taught, and how my WPI education has prepared me for this experience.

Educational Philosophy

My philosophy emphasizes fostering positive teacher-to-student and student-to-student relationships to discover students’ needs. This allows teachers to make accommodations to the classroom setting and lesson plan in order to produce a classroom environment that is conducive to learning , in which all students feel safe and welcome to learn.

COVID-19: Remote Learning

Due to the ongoing pandemic in the Fall of 2020, my entire student teaching experience was remote. Both students and teachers worked from their homes with interactions only through the screens of their computers. It was an unforgettable experience that required learning for all beyond the subject content as school was shifted to an online learning environment.

Student Success

Strong connections with students and positive feedback allow students to become more comfortable in the classroom and show that their efforts are valued, which helps to lead to more student success.

Professional Culture

Collaboration is the greatest resource in teaching. The collaboration between students and their peers strengthens their learning. Additionally, teachers collaborating with their colleagues is effective in ensuring that students are receiving a high-quality education and are setting up for future success.

Personal & Professional Growth

My student teaching experience has strengthened my time management, organization, and public speaking skills. Through this, I have also learned how to more clearly define my priorities in my life and begin considering other potential opportunities for my future.

Professional Goal

My professional goal for my student teaching practicum was to meet my pacing goals for delivered lessons through outlining the time that would be spent on each activity in the lesson plan. Also, while creating checkpoints of times for when to transition to the next activity in order to adjust pacing.

Anna Eng

WPI Teacher Preparation Program
