Ankush Goswami

Computational and Experimental Math

Besides number theory which I do for rigorous mathematical research, I have done and I still continue to do experimental and computational mathematics. Of late, I have been using maple and more specifically, the maple q-series package, developed by Dr. Frank Garvan to understand the relationships between q-series, q-products and more.

I have also completed the following unpublished project works as part of coursework in Stochastic Optimization, Data analysis and data mining, and Computational Imaging.

  • Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian prediction of a response variable based on a given data. (PDF)

  • A study of SVM with uncertain data points using robust optimization. (PDF)

  • Face Recognition using PCA. (PDF)

For general purpose coding, I use different platforms depending on my need. I started to code using C++, but now I mostly use Maple, Mathematica, Sagemath and Python.