Best Alcohol Rehabilitation Center to Reclaim Control Over Life

Best Alcohol Rehabilitation Center

Alcohol use disorder is a chronic medical condition involving compulsive drinking, notwithstanding its issues on one's physical, mental, and social life. This compulsive drinking is due to alterations in the brain function and structure caused by heavy and prolonged alcohol consumption.

Anyone can fall prey to addiction, an individual with a family history of drug or alcohol abuse, a regular drinker or drug abuser, or someone suffering from mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, etc. Unhealthy alcohol use such as binge drinking - where one consumes four to five drinks within two hours, falls under addiction.

If the pattern of alcohol consumption results in significant stress and impairs the day-to-day function of one's life, then that individual is suffering from alcohol use disorder.

Be it mild or severe, if not addressed by the best alcohol rehabilitation centre, it can result in catastrophic conditions.

Signs One Need An Alcohol Rehab Center

Mild, moderate, or severe, you should seek early treatment if you witness signs and symptoms of alcohol use disorders. These signs and symptoms commonly include:

Inability to limit alcohol intake.

Unsuccessful attempts to cut down intake.

One’s time is majorly spent on drinking or recovering from a hangover.

Uncontrollable urge to consume alcohol.

Not meeting work or school targets, facing issues with spouse and family relations due to alcohol.

Recognizing the ill effects of alcohol on one's health and life yet not successfully curb drinking.

Not participating at work front and avoiding social activities

Alcohol consumption in a risky atmosphere, such as while swimming or driving.

Developed tolerance such that a higher quantity is required to feel the effects one could earlier feel at a similar consumption.

Withdrawal symptoms on stopping alcohol intake. These include nausea, trembling, sweating, etc.

These symptoms require one to immediately seek help from the best alcohol rehab center in India.

Alcohol use disorders consist of alternating periods of alcohol intoxication and alcohol withdrawals.

Alcohol intoxication

The increase in alcohol in one's bloodstream results in alcohol intoxication. The impairment increases with the increase in the blood alcohol concentration. Alcohol intoxication results in mental and behavioral changes; these behaviors include slurred speech, mood instability, impaired - judgment, memory, and coordination. One might also experience blackouts. High blood alcohol levels can also result in coma and death.

Alcohol Withdrawal

Stopping alcohol intake after a heavy and prolonged use causes withdrawal symptoms. It may occur within a few hours to a maximum of five days. One experience - sweating, sleeping problems, increased heartbeat, tremors, nausea, anxiety, agitation, and restlessness; some cases also include seizures. These symptoms too impair one's day-to-today functioning.

Treatment at Alcohol Rehab Center

Treatment offered at the best rehabilitation center in India consists of medications, psychological interventions, indigenous therapies. Their goal is to enhance one’s quality of life and sustain a drug-free, healthy recovery.

The various methods followed are as follows-

Detox - initial step at the program wherein the body is cleansed of all the toxins and remains of alcohol. This process is managed medically and generally requires a week. Medications are offered to ease the pain and discomfort experienced by the individual.

Psychological counseling - individual and group therapies help individuals understand the root cause of their problems, manage their triggers, addressing these triggers with a healthier style. Family and couple therapies are also used to help individuals resolve issues caused due to alcohol addiction.

Indigenous therapies - various therapies such as yoga, meditation, relaxing techniques, etc., are facilitated as part of the treatment. These support a treatment strongly and help combat stress, anxiety, and depression.

Post-discharge treatment - an essential component of the treatment consists of continuous aftercare and addiction management. Individuals have access to medical support, psychological counseling, and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings for help in sustaining the recovery.

The Best Drug Rehabilitation Centre in India offers support that aids the treatment. They follow a holistic approach that not just focuses on the disease but the needs of the individual suffering. Leading an individual on the track of a new and healthy life can be challenging, but the right support, empathy, and care never go in vain.